Chapter 23: Chica's surprise!

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Chica's P.O.V.~
I can't believe it...I can't believe they forgot! I told them many times when it was, but they still forgot!

Mari didn't decorate my locker like she had promised.

Mangle didn't say anything about it, and she's been my best friend longer than anybody.

And, to make matters worse, Bonnie, Foxy, Freddie, & Goldie weren't even at school today!

If this is my special day, then why do I feel like crap? I should be happy!

Mari walked up to me in the hallway after school. She looked really guilty, & I think I know why...

"-I'm sorry that I didn't get to decorate your locker today. My little brother got into the decorations that I had bought, b-but maybe this will make up for it?"

She reached into her bookbag and pulled out a gift wrapped in white wrapping paper and red ribbon. She held it out to me, and I gladly took it, thankful that she remembered.

"Thank you, Mari. I'll open it when I get home," I said, giving her a weak smile. "I wanna see you open it, so I'm coming with you..." she said. "Ok," was all I could say. Something was up, I could feel it!

I walked out the doors and started to walk home, with Mari trailing behind me ever so slightly. I turn the corner onto my street, and immediately bump into Mangle. She quickly grabbed my hand & started to drag me to my house. Mari was now running to catch up with us. Ok! Now I know something is DEFINITELY up!!

"What's going on?" I asked my pink haired friend. She turned into my front yard and stopped, turning her head to face me. "Did you not remember?" she asked me, surprisingly.

The Spanish project? But I thought we finished that? I was dragged up my stairs and to the front door. Mangle finally let go of my hand, opened the door, & went inside, leaving me on my porch in the freezing cold!

A few seconds later, Mangle opened the door again and motioned me inside. Is this some sort of prank that she and Freddie set up or something? I hope not!

I walked into my house. It was pitch black, all except for the light coming from outside that I had brought in with me. Mangle shut the door, leaving us in darkness.

I felt a hand grab mine, and together we started to weave our way to the upstairs living room, were I could hear the sound of something falling on the floor. "FFFFF-," I could hear a voice mumble. The noise was cut off, probably by somebody else.

Ok! Somebody better tell me what the heck is going on! Or else I'll-

"SURPRISE!!!" The lights came on and everybody popped out from their hiding places. I jumped. I TOTALLY wasn't expecting this!! Well no duh! That's why it's called a surprise!

Everybody was here! Bonnie, Foxy, Goldie, Freddie, Mangle, and-

I looked around the room. "Where's Mari?" I asked Mangle. "I'm over here," came a groan from the window. I looked over there and nearly died laughing. Everybody else's glances soon followed, and they all started to laugh with me. I think Freddie started hiccuping, she was laughing so hard.

Halfway into the room, attempting to crawl in through the window, was Mari. She must have tried to get into the house the creative way. I would have done it, too, honestly. It's really cold outside!

After several attempts at trying to fit through the small window, she gave up, and just sort of dangled there like a rag doll. "I think I'm stuck..." she said miserably.

I marched over to the window, grabbed her arms, and pulled. Jeez! She was stuck real good! Freddie came over and tried to help me, but that didn't work, either.

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