Chapter 27: Abandoned Secrets

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Bonnie's P.O.V.

We had to stop at everybody else's houses first before continuing on our way. Meanwhile, I was still feeling sort of guilty about lying to my mother. She was a sweet woman who didn't deserve to be lied to. I know that she cares about me a lot and would be devastated if I did anything stupid and got hurt.

Nevertheless, we would only be gone for a few hours. That is, if the blizzard doesn't stop us, which I hoped it wouldn't, but at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if it did. A few snowflakes were already starting to fall and the wind was picking up.

By the time we got to the pizzeria, we were all exhausted. Walking through snow as a human would be simple, but as a hybrid, you'll find it quite difficult. It's basically like a workout for us.

Mari led us to the back of the restaurant, where she had entered before, but hesitated before reached for the door knob. But before she could turn it, the door swung open with a loud bang!

"BOO!!" Scarlet screamed, jumping from the shadows. Mari shrieked! Scarlet laughed as she watched Mari's face turn white as a sheet. She frowned and punched Scarlet softly on the shoulder.

"Scarlet, what the heck are you doing here?!" I asked her.

"I love abandoned places!" She said. "I've been checking out this place for a few months! It never gets old." She crossed her arms. "My question is, what are YOU doing here?!"

I had to explain to her the entire story, the plushie, Halloween night, and everything. After I was finished, she nodded slowly, getting out of the doorway, motioning for us to enter.

"Be my guest," she said in a fake French accent, bowing her head.

Mangle pushed past all of us and gracefully marched in first, followed by the rest of us. I linked arms with both Freddie and Mari, who were equally terrified, and we entered together.

Upon entering, I was hit with the scent of old wood and rust. It was actually a very pleasing smell, if you ask me!

As soon as Scarlet shut the door behind us, I could hear the wind beating against the old building. Well, so much for going home. If we tried, our servos would freeze, and we wouldn't be able to move again. I shivered. What a terrifying thought.

I let go of Mari, and both she and Freddie went back to the storage closet to return the plushie, while the rest of us started to look around the place to see if we could find anything to set up camp with.

Foxy insisted that I say put while he went to go help Goldie look for stuff. When I asked why, he just draped a blanket around my shoulders and walked away.

If he really has a crush on me, then he has a funny way of showing it.

I sat on the cold, black and white checkered floor, and opened my backpack. I grabbed a bag of cool ranch Doritos and started munching on them as quietly as I could as I laid back on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. The sound of the powerful wind outside was so relaxing, that I fell into a state of sleep...

I was back in my room. It looked similar as it did when I thought about it on the first day of school. I was playing with my dolls, all by myself.

I heard little feet running up the stairs to my bedroom, but nobody entered. A few seconds later, the door opened to reveal my father, and a little boy. The little boy had red hair, but I couldn't see his face, just like how I couldn't see that one girls' face. It was all blurry.

"Go on, Foxy," my daddy said to the little boy. "Don't be shy. Go play with Bonnie!"


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