Chapter 22: This is Hallows Eve!

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Bonnie's P.O.V.
A lot has happened over the past month and a half. For example, Mari is slowly becoming less and less shy. Goldie actually started wearing JEANS recently! Ha! And I think I know why...

Freddie and Goldie sitting in a tree~ XD Definitely not kissing because Goldie is too scared to even stand 1 foot away from her. Don't know why, but I guess that's what happens when you're a shy guy. Haha! That rhymed unexpectedly.

Anyways, today is October 30th, the day before Halloween, and everybody was excited to start going either trick-or-treating or going to Halloween parties. As for me and my little group of buds, we are gonna be stuck at my house, hiding from everybody. Because, like everybody else keeps saying, we don't need Halloween costumes in order to look like freaks...gosh! They are so rude!

But hey! They aren't used to us yet, so maybe they are just jealous of us. Always gotta look on the bright side, am I right?

Anyways, we had already planned this little "private" party weeks back, and had already decided to have the party at my house, of all places. Well, I did volunteer to host the party, so yeah.

We were to dress up as somebody or something, other than ourselves, obviously, and would play games and eat candy and have lots of fun together.

So, after school was over, we all went our seperate ways to get ourselves ready for tonight. I ran home as fast as I could.

I already had my mom buy everything that I needed for the party, so all that was left for me to do was get everything set up and get dressed in my Halloween costume.

~4 hours later~

I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was tied up into high pigtails that reached down to only a little bit past my shoulders. Black and pink headphones dangled around my neck. A black short skirt with a light blue stripe around the bottom, black tights, and black shoes decorated the lower half of my body, and a faded grey vest with a light blue tie, and long, black sleeves that left a gap of skin between the vest and the sleeves decorated the upper half. If you hadn't already guessed, I was dressed as a vocaloid.
The doorbell rang, and I gave out a surprised squeak. I ran to the door and looked through the little peephole. It was Foxy. He was dressed up as a pirate. What a surprise!

I opened the door and raised my eyebrows at him. "Really?" I said lazily. His ears flopped down to beside his head. "Sorry," he apologized. "My mom wouldn't get me anything new." He stuck his lip out and he crossed his arms. I laughed, grabbed my phone, and took a picture of him.
About a half an hour later, Freddie, Chica, Mangle, and Goldie had showed up. Mangle was dressed up as a princess, Chica was dressed as a piece of pizza(way to be creative), and Freddie and

"YOU GUYS DRESSED UP AS EACH OTHER?!" Chica screeched when she saw what they were wearing. Freddie was wearing Goldie's blue hat, blue bow tie, and a golden suit. Goldie was wearing Freddie's black hat, black bow tie, a brown t-shirt, and jeans. They were both looking at the ground, ashamed.

"Don't look at us. Mari dared us to do it," Goldie grumbled as he stomped past Chica and flopped onto the couch. Freddie did the same thing.

"Where is Mari, anyways?" I asked.

"She'll be coming soon," Freddie said as she poured some punch into a cup for herself. "She said she had to grab something real quick."

Meanwhile, on the other end of town...

Mari's P.O.V.~

Since I dared Goldie and Freddie to dress up as each other, they dared me to do something in return. They dared me to enter this old abandoned business and try to find anything that would resembling that it actually used to thrive and prosper. So, technically, something that wasn't old and moldy, but something that looked almost brand new.

"Don't worry, Marionette...its just an abandoned pizzeria..." I told myself as I turned on my flashlight. "Nothing to be afraid of..." I entered through the creaky back door so that nobody who may have been walking out front would see me.

I was in some sort of kitchen. I doubt I'd be able to find anything of value in this room without making a bunch of noise and attracting attention to people outside. I walked slowly over to the double swinging doors which led to the main dining area.

My deep breathing and my footsteps on the checkered floor were the only things I could hear. I kept walking, until I got to the stage area where the animatronics were. I didn't dare to look at them. They were probably all rotten and moldy anyways.

I continued walking until I had made it to the backstage area. Nothing interesting, other than a rusty endoskeleton sitting on a table in the middle of the room, and multiple animatronic heads on shelves that I didn't want to look at either.

I went from there, across the dining area again,  to the east hall, which led to the security room. Nothing in the hallway other than crushed cans of soda, crumpled up pieces of paper, and cigarette butts.

The security room was a little bit more interesting. I found a plush, pink cupcake with goggly eyes on top of one of the cameras, but I decided to leave it. It looked like one of those things that you couldn't just take from its place, like it belonged there, as a cute little decoration.

Exited the security room through the west door and began down the west hall. There was only one room left to check. The storage closet. If anything was in the storage closet, it probably wasn't going to be very big. But that's ok, I had only brought my backpack.

I opened the storage room's creaky door, and to my amazement, among the old cleaning supplies, was a big, cardboard box. And to my surprise, it was already open. Inside of the box, wrapped in plastic bubble wrap, were 5 different, plushies. They were in really good shape, too.

There was a brown bear with a black top hat and a black bow tie , a purple bunny with a red bow tie, a yellow chicken with a bib and a plush pink cupcake in one hand, a red fox with an eyepatch, and a golden bear with a blue hat and a blue bow tie. They awful lot like Freddie, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy, and Goldie. I grabbed all five of them and stuffed them into my bag.

I walked out of the storage room and back down to the dining area. "That wasn't so bad now was it?" I told myself.

Just as I was about to enter the kitchen and exit the building, I heard something move behind me. I whipped my head around, and my flashlight landed right on those animatronics. I gave out a little squeak. They weren't decaying, but they sure were creepy.

I moved my flashlight on over to the curtain of Pirates Cove. There was a sign that said out of order. My breathing became quicker when I noticed that whatever was in there...was looking right at me.

I backed up a little bit, and shone my flashlight onto the 3 animatronics on the stage. They...were also looking at me. I completely lost it after I heard the thing from Pirate Cove actually speak.

"W-W-W-What are y-y-ye doing here, l-l-li-little l-l-l-lassie?" the voice said creepily. "NOTHING! IT WAS A DARE! IM LEAVING NOW!" I ran out of there as fast as I could.
Once I got to Bonnie's house, I whipped out my witch mask and slapped it on. When she opened the door, I walked right in, completely terrified. I sat right beside Freddie, who asked me how it went. I could only shake my head. I wasn't able to speak. Goldie got me some punch to drink, and I gulped it down like it was the first drink I've ever had in a while.

Around midnight, we all went home. Freddie had to walk me home, since I was so traumatized from the earlier events from tonight. I told her everything that happened. She actually apologized, and then she hoped that nothing like this would ever happen again, and that those animatronics were probably just hallucinations.

I believed her.

But she was wrong.


Thank you all for being so patient with this book. I actually start my Junior year of High School tomorrow, so joy!


The next chapter is actually gonna be the Chica's birthday chapter, so I'll be writing the one after that, since it is already written.

Thank you again, and I'll see you later!

~Scarlet :)

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