Chapter 1: Bonnie

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Bonnie-means "pretty" from the Scottish word bonnie, which was itself derived from Middle French bon "good". Is a way to describe a fair, good and beautiful girl.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! That's the sound of my alarm clock. I lifted my hand the tiniest bit to turn it off, and fell back asleep. 2 minutes later, my mother was in the room, poking me. "Bonnie! Sweetie! Wake up! You're going to be late for your first day of school."  I lifted my head up so fast I swear I got whiplash.

"SCHOOL?!" I asked excitedly.  My mother jumped a bit, surprised by how energetic I was.  She nodded in response.  I leaped out of bed, and zoomed into my closet.  I quickly threw on my favorite purple jumper and matching shoes. 

I zoomed back out of my closet and bolted down the stairs.  I was just about to head out the front door, when I heard my mother racing down the stairs to catch up.  "Wait, Bonnie! You forgot something!"

Me?  Forget something?  I'm surprised!

When she finally made it down the stairs, she handed me my guitar.  She smiled and said, "Now your all set.  Have a great day sweetie!"

"Thanks, Mom!"  I raced out the door and ran all the way to school.  When I finally got there, I took a deep breath, and entered through those double doors to my future.

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