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Bonnie's P.O.V.~
Welp...lunchtime, yay! From what I've read on the Internet, (and from what my mom has taught me) I know that lunchtime at school is the time when you get to shut your brain down for a bit, eat something that probably isn't worth eating, and chat with friends.

But...what those sources didn't tell me, was what the definition of "total screaming pizza freak" was. Well, I know for a fact that I was about to find out.

So where were we...oh yeah! Getting hauled down the hallway at the speed of light! Duh!

I just shut my eyes tightly, since I could no longer feel my feet touching the ground and was really not in the mood to see the blurs of colors as we swept past them. I heard Freddie say, "I feel like we're passing hundreds of melting rainbows!" with this really nauseating tone in her voice.

After what seemed like forever, my feet were finally allowed to touch the ground once more. I opened my eyes, revealing 5 very dizzy people. One of them was already seeing birdies on the ground. •_• Well, now 2...

I help Mangle and Freddie up to their feet, but quickly got shoved to floor by someone else. I looked up to see Foxy hovering over me. His face flushed, then turned bright pink. I looked over at Chica, who was holding in this giant scream.

"Ummmm..." I said out loud. "This is extremely awkward..." Foxy snapped out of his daze and scurried off of me. I got up slowly, looking ahead of me.

I erased what had happened from my mind, and jumped into the lunch line, which had deepened a bit since we'd gotten there. By the time we got to the front, Chica was so excited that I thought she was going to explode like a ticking time bomb.

We each got our pizza, and the turned around to face the lunchroom. OMG! It was packed! Some kids were even sitting on the floor! Is that where we were going to have to sit?

Suddenly, I heard someone call, "Newbies! Over here!" I turned to see a girl with blonde hair and wearing a red t-shirt waving at us. She looked familiar, so I just went ahead and motioned everybody to follow me to her table.

Chica immediately started eating, almost as if she hadn't eaten in days! Mari stared at her food, almost as if she expected it to grow french fry legs and walk away. Everybody else, including me, just started nibbling at it, waiting for someone to start up a conversation.

Finally, I heard the blonde haired girl say, "Well, I guess I should introduce myself, since I never got to properly do it in P.E., due to you being semi-unconscious and all that-" Mangle choked on her pizza, which caused everybody else to look at me with a concerned look in their eyes.

"I had an asthma attack..." I reassured them, giving them a small smile. One by one, they each went back to eating their food. I turned back to the blonde haired girl. " were saying?"

" name is Scarlet! Scarlet Thorndike! But my friends call me Venom, as in the Venomous Yellow Spotted Lizard from the movie "Holes". I already know who you are, Bonnie and Foxy," she stated while looking at us. "Who are you fabulous 5?" She asked the others.

Chica attempted to speak, but her mouth was full of pizza. Mangle turned her head to look at her, and said, "We'll let you go last, since you're obviously busy." Chica gave her a thumbs up, and summoned for her to go first.

"Ok then! I'll start off! Hi! I'm Mangle! My original name is Marilyn, but I just stuck with Mangle, since I didn't want to end up taking the name of someone so famous!" Mangle beamed.

"Also, her hair looks atrocious in the morning!" Chica added with food still in her mouth.

"Why you-" She growled, then elbowed Goldie in the side.

"Ow! Uh..hi. I'm Goldie. It's a nickname, but I don't really like telling people my real name it's too embarrassing," Goldie said semi-dully, tapping on Mari's plate.

"Uh...Hi...I'm friends call me Mari, though...My really name is Marion, but my mom started to call me Marionette once I started wearing the mask..." She said, tapping the mask on her face, then tapping on Freddie's shoulder.

"Hi! I'm Freddie Fazbear! I don't have a nickname yet, but I think I'll have one soon," she exclaimed, picking up a crumpled up napkin and throwing it at Chica, whose mouth was finally empty.

"Hi! I'm Chica! My original name is Clementine, but my uncle always calls me Chica, so the name kind of stuck," she said excitedly.
(True story: my uncle also calls me Chica...)

Scarlet smiled. "Nice to meet such wonderful people!" Her phone went off in her pocket, and she quickly answered it, holding up her pointer finger, signaling us to be quiet. It was obviously an important call...

"Hi, squirt! How's it going?" She talked into the phone. There was mumbling on the other line before she spoke again.

"That's great! I'm at lunch right now!"
"It's pizza."
"Hah! Yeah! What are you eating for lunch?"
"Oh! That sounds like the bees knees, if you ask me!"
"Anything interesting going on? Besides, you know..." She whispered a word into the phone quiet enough for us not to hear her.
"Have you told anyone yet?"
"I'll make sure they pay attention to you more often! You shouldn't be getting bullied by those jerks while they're supposed to be in bed, and you're supposed to be asleep!"
"Ok, I will, squirt! See ya tomorrow!"

She hung up the phone, let out a sigh, and laid her head on the table. "Who was that?" I asked her after a long silence. She tilted her head up a bit to look at me.

"My little brother, Carter. He's in the children hospital because of a brain tumor, and now he won't stop getting bullied by the other kids at night. And, because of that, he's not getting enough sleep, which is very unhealthy in his current condition," she sighed, setting her head back on the table.

Suddenly, without warning, the bell rang, and lunch was over. Before we left, I said, "I hope everything works out!" She smiled at me. "I hope so, too!" she said as she walked towards a separate hallway than where we were heading.

The feeling returned once I stepped into the hallway, only this time it was stronger. Then, a chill went up my spine as I heard an unfamiliar voice say, "I assure you, I am very real."

Happy One Year Anniversary everyone! I'm trying to speed this story up a bit, because I'm really eager to tell you all the rest of the story ok?
See ya then!

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