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"It's only gonna get crazier from here..." my mind told me.

I walked inside the school building as a new person. I felt refreshed, revived, and ready to take on anything this school threw my way!

Almost a year had passed since we found our parents. We had survived our first year and were now sophomores in high school.

Our band was coming along smoothly. We had started to write some songs together, and we even performed some of them for our parents! They loved them!

I was heading towards our normal meeting spot, which was in the cafeteria, where we like to sit and chat before class.

"Good morning!" I said cheerfully as I sat down at the table.

"Morning, lass!" Foxy chirped. He was so cute!

"How was everybody's summer?" I asked.

A series of "great"s and "amazing"s echoed amongst them.

"How about you, Mangle! How was your summer?" I asked her. She wasn't paying attention to me. She was staring at a group of people that were standing all the way on the other side of the cafeteria.

"Whatcha looking at?" I followed her glance. I froze. The people she was looking at...looked almost exactly like us!

There was a tall, blue haired girl with blue bunny ears, a tall, light brown haired boy with bear ears and a large top hat on with a single red strip surrounding the circumference of it, a short, blond haired girl with a waist the size of a toothpick, and an even shorter boy with brown hair who had the most annoying face ever! They all had the rosiest cheeks I had ever seen!

"Do you know those people, Mangle?" I asked her.

"Unfortunately yes, darling," Mangle replies, slightly disgusted with what she was looking at.

"Who are they?"

"Bonnie and crew...meet the Toys!"

Here marks the end of the first book! If you like this series and would like to see more, the next book in this 6 book series is called:

HSA 2: Battle of the Bands

It took me 4 years to finally finish this book, and tbh, I'm sad to see the first one end. 1 down, 5 more to go!

Thank you so much for sticking with me all this time! It has been a long journey!

Please tell me how I did! Comment below! Your feedback is appreciated! Don't forget to vote and follow!

Until next time,


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