Chapter 3: Mangle

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Mangle: A simple yet complex girl both inside and out. She has a loving nature and a kind hearted spirit.
Dreams! All Mangle could dream about was finally going to school. With actual people there. But her sweet dreams were rudely interrupted by a very heavy object landing on her chest. She woke up, startled. But she quickly frowned when she saw what had landed on her. She screamed, "ENDO! GET OUT OF MY ROOM! RIGHT, NOW!" Endo quickly stood up next to Mangle's bed. "I'm sorry! Jeez! Mom just told me to come up here to tell you to get up and get ready for school. You're gonna be late." Mangle stared at him. "Seriously?" "Yes, seriously! Look at the clock, doo-dah!" Mangle quickly glanced at the clock by her bed. It read 7:30 am. "Oh crap!" Mangle hopped out of bed. Before she did anything, she quickly started to shove her little brother out of her bedroom. Before she could shut the door in his face, Endo told her, "Hey! Mom told me to tell you that Chica called earlier. She's gonna come pick you up on her way to school. She'll be here around 7:45." "Ok! Thanks for the information!" She slammed the door in his face and locked it. She turned around and silently screamed. "The first day of school! It's finally here!" She ran to her closet and suddenly stopped. "But...what am I going to WEAR?! Agh! CHOICES!" She quickly thumbed through her closet, throwing clothes and shoes everywhere, mumbling to herself. "T-shirts are for lazy people...dresses are for prom...jumpers are for weirdos...jeans are for everyday clothes...high heals are just a no...clogs are too noisy...sandals are too floppy and I could possibly chip a nail...that only leaves..." She paused as she stared at what was left in her closet. Everything else was strewn about her room except for a pink cheetah hooded sweatshirt, a pair of pink leggings, and her favorite tennis shoes. "But, it needs a shirt underneath it..." She started going through the many piles of clothes, that had "magically" appeared, until she found a pink short sleeved shirt that had the words, "Let's Play" across it in big white letters. "IT'S PERFECT!" she screeched. She quickly threw on the outfit she put together, then looked in the mirror. "Hmm...I feel like I'm forgetting something..." she thought. Just then, the doorbell rang. The sound of it startled her. She looked at her clock. 7:45 am. "Crap! That must be Chica!" She grabbed her backpack and ran down the stairs. "I'LL GET IT," she screamed as she opened the front door. "Hey, Chica! Ready for our first day at a public school?" She started to walk out the door, but was stopped by her friend in the doorway. Chica looked at Mangle curiously. Then she told her, "It doesn't look like you are. You look like you just came out of a boxing arena...and you lost..." Mangle frowned and crossed her arms. "How so?" she asked. Chica replied, "Look at yourself! You have dark circles under your eyes, a zit on your cheek, and your seriously looks like a rat crawled into it in the middle of the night and made a pink nest, to be honest..." "WHAT?!" Mangle grabbed her portable mirror, that she always kept in her pocket, took one look at herself and screamed, "I LOOK AWFUL!" She zipped the mirror back into her pocket and grabbed Chica's arm. "Chica! Quick! I need a makeover!" Chica smiled in response. "Whatever you say, girl!" The 2 friends rushed upstairs to Mangle's room. Chica took out all of Mangle's make-up and did the best mini-makeover she could do. Then, she brushed Mangle's very curly pink hair until it looked like it was done. "Ok. I'm done," said Chica proudly. Mangle rushed over to the mirror and looked at herself. That girl in the mirror...she didn't recognize her. It took Mangle a few seconds before she could figure out that that girl was her. Chica had added a pink bow tie to Mangle's already pink hair, and she totally redid her face. " are awesome!" "I know, right? I'm proud of myself," she beamed. "Now, we better hurry if we are going to make it to school on time. Let's Go!" "Yeah! What are we waiting for, girl? Let's go to school!" They ran down the stairs, dashed out the front door, and they raced each other all the way to school, laughing happily all the way there.

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