Chapter 31: An Explanation

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*about an hour later*
Bonnie's P.O.V.~
It was about 2:30 am. A lot of crap went down in the last hour. From what Scarlet told me, Freddie jumped at the bear animatronic and hasn't been seen since. Chica disappeared out the other door yelling for her mom, and then Goldie vanished into thin air.

So, armed with a flashlight, we went on a scavenger hunt, now that we knew that the animatronics never intended on hurting us in the first place. Except for, you know, the animatronic Foxy, but he apologized.

"I-I-It was but a wee m-misunderstanding, lassie! M-Me thought ye w-w-was an intruder!" was what he told me.

"Soooo you did that to intruders while this place was still open, too?" I said suspiciously.

"U-U-Ummmmm..." he froze with his jaw hanging open as it creaked back and forth. Then he snapped it shut. "I-I-I actually d-don't remember, lassie. M-Me memory 'tis a b-b-bit fuzzy these d-days."

"Ahhh, I see," I nodded. I wasn't buying any of it.

Chica was eventually found in the kitchen with the chicken animatronic, or as she likes to call herself, Chica Chicken the First, eating a pizza that they had just pulled out of the oven. It smelled amazing!

"Isn't that hot?" I asked, concerned that the human Chica was gonna end up burning both her tongue and her fingers. "Also, how did you even cook that? The power is out!"

"Nope! Not hot at all!" Chica chomped into her pizza slice and I could see the immediate regret on her face as she quickly put the slice back on the pan and started fanning her mouth.

"Too hot?" I asked with a smirk on my face.


"A-As for your o-other question-" Chica the First began to say, but was cut off by Chica the Second lifting up a blow torch from behind the table.

"And I set fireeeee to the pizza!!!" she sang as she pulled the trigger.

Let's just say that ended with a fire extinguisher and two upset Chickens.

Freddie was found on the stage, crying in the bear(whom I later learned his name: Freddy) animatronics lap. He was petting her hair and humming a tune to her.

She told me that they were songs that he used to sing to her to help her calm down and fall asleep at night. I found that to be very cute!

We tried to find Goldie, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Where could he possibly be?!" Scarlet asked. "We've searched this restaurant from top to bottom!"

Just then, the lights came back on with a flash, and a faint humming sound could be heard from somewhere in the building.

"I-I think I know w-w-where!" Freddy said.

He went into the back room and moved one of the shelves that was covered with spare parts. Behind it was a rusty, yellow door. He opened it as slowly as possible, but even then, it still made a loud creaking noise.

"S-S-Sorry," he said as he started down the rusty staircase. We all followed suit. Goldie was at the bottom of the staircase, sitting next to the emergency power generator, with a yellow, animatronic bear.

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