Ch. 1 (Beyoncé)

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Authors Note: This is my first fanfiction, please don't judge and excuse any errors.

I stood there amongst thirteen other women, I had counted them as I walked further into the room approximately 5 minutes ago. My feet felt like anchors as I dragged them across the tile floor in these 6 inch stilettos, which is not a very comfortable feeling.

I scrutinized the face of the women here and they looked beaten up and they were practically naked unlike me who stood there in fitted jean shorts and a long sleeved crop top shirt and heels, that's what I wore to Target, ridiculous I know, but I was headed to a photoshoot at first I just had to grab some essentials from Target.

Nothing major, just some water and other stuff for my new apartment in New York.

I was unable to identify where I was now but I'm terrified and as I looked at what seemed to be a two way mirror I couldn't see what happened on the other side but I did as I was told and turned to the side.


"It's just emotions taking me over, caught up in sorrow, lost in the song, but if you don't come back come home to me darlin', " I sang in my head as I walked down the isle pushing my shopping cart. New York was very big and risky, as if I needed to remind my self or even think about this topic as a matter of fact.

My dad and I got into plenty of arguments, but this one was way more serious than the others. It actually caused me to move across the country, but he needs to stop treating me like a child! I'm 23 for God's sake! I want to live my life before I go and get married. No, I don't want to just throw myself around but I also don't want to be tied down for my whole life.

I moved here with my best friend Kelly, she's 23 as well and she models here. She got offered a job in New York and asked me if I could tag along with her, of course I turned it down at first. My father needs me, but his attitude and disrespect is just not cutting it. He's been a complete asshole to me since mama left him, she doesn't even call him, she wants nothing to do with him and now; neither do I.

My mom and I talk every now and then, she means the world to me. Eventually snapping out of my thoughts, I grabbed a case of water and inserted it into the cart and continued my stroll. While in the process of turning into the next isle I felt a tug at my shirt which caused me to jump.

I turned around and saw a little boy who looked like he was maybe 7 or 8. Examining his face a little more, I noticed a scar on his left cheek and a semi-swollen eye. His eyes were red maybe from crying.

"Excuse me miss, I can't find my mom," he pouted.

"Aw, when was the last time you saw her?" I asked and he looked down at his fingers.

"I last saw her in the parking lot, she told me to come in here and wait for her. I've been waiting for 2 hours now, can you help me find her? I've been looking for 30 minutes and I-" I cut him off because at this point he was bawling in tears and it was hard to understand him.

"Of course I'll help you find her but you have to do me a favor and stop crying baby, please stop crying," I said hugging him and he stopped crying and began sniffling. We walked out of Target hand in hand and began searching.

"What does her car look like?"

"Uhm, it's uhh.... silver."

Well that helped a lot. There are like 456 silver cars in this parking lot.

"Maybe she's over there," he said pointing towards an alley near a dilapidated building. I gulped hard because it didn't look safe but as we moved closer and closer there was a silver car parked there. Hesitant at first, I walked up to the window of the car and somebody grabbed me. I squirmed and tried to escape from their grip but they had a really good one.

"Damn, you did a good job finding this jawn," the guy said as he pushed up against me. I screamed and he quickly put his hand over my mouth and the little boy handcuffed me. I bit his hand which caused him to let my mouth free, which I felt like was the only thing I had control over.

He pushed me in the back seat and began driving out of the parking lot. Halfway through the ride they put duct tape over my mouth to keep me from asking questions. I started to kick and scream but the kicks stopped when I felt a sharp pain in my leg, my eyes got droopy and...


"You, with the blonde hair," he said referring to me, "take off those shorts."

I was hesitant at first but eventually I reached down to the button of my shorts.

"Hurry up, bitch!"

I immediately dropped them to the floor and stepped out of them. I noticed the other girls watching and one of them bit their lip and it made me a little uncomfortable. Where even am I? Then the door opened and a man with a cigar pressed between his lips became visible, he was tall—maybe about 6'4—the scent of his cologne attacked my nostrils and his eyes brought butterflies to my stomach.

Ugh. Beyoncé what are you doing? You don't even know this man and you're already half naked in front of him. I was snatched away from my sinful thoughts when he came up to me and grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room. Such a gentleman.

"Uhm, excuse me, where are you taking me?"

No response.


Still no response. I read his name tag, carter.

"Excuse me, Mr. Carter?" I said in my seductive southern accent which clearly caught his attention because he stopped walking and let me go.

"Oh, you another one of those?"

"Another one of those?" I repeated. "First of all, don't say 'one of those' like you know me like that because you don't, all I was doing was asking a simple question, I don't even know where I am."

I paused for a second.

"And I'm scared, the least you can do is tell me where I'm going," I stated sternly, trying to hide the fact that I was turned on by his accent.

He scoffed, "you really want to know the answer to that?"

I nodded and rolled my eyes because I didn't have the time to be dealing with this, I just wanted some water and shower curtains for my damn apartment!

"You're in sex trafficking ma, you're going to board a plane to China tomorrow," he stated and my heart sunk to my stomach. I guess he could see the worry on my face because he grabbed my hand and continued walking trying to not feel sorry for me.

"No!" I screamed as I tried to get out of his grip and run away.

"Look whateveryournameis, stop putting on a show because you're a really pretty woman and I don't want to hurt none of God's children. I'm just doing my job, aight? Just chill, I don't want to hurt you," he stated and every breath he took stopped my heart a bit, the way he pronounced every syllable, and the way his bottom lip carved out every letter.

It was amazing, but... who is he? Why am I here? What about Kelly? .....China? And why are my eyelids becoming more visible?

What about my...

Should I continue this? Feedback would be great, thanks. ☺️

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