Ch. 29

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Bey's POV

I stood there face to face with the man who helped raise me and also helped to destroy my self-esteem. My father will always be my father but the way I feel about him will always mean more to me than just the title of being his daughter. The feeling is very close to hate, but I know somewhere in my heart I still care for him. Despite all of the things he has said to me, I was never physically abused, but verbal does just as much damage as physical.

"How have you been?" he said smiling at me.

"Great," I blandly averred.

He studied my features for a while.
"You look just like your mother."

"Maybe we're related or something."

We shared a laugh for the first time in years.

"Dad why are you here?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

"I was invited."

My lips parted slightly, who invited him? My mother can't stand seeing his face, but then again, who else had the authority to?

"Bey, I managed to get you some aspr-" Angie said coming outside, after she got a sense of what was going on she paused and just stared at us. I immediately broke eye contact with her, too afraid of the look she may give to me.

"Why the fuck is he here?" Angie asked.

"Angie," I somberly said.

"Whatever, here Bey. I'll be inside. I'm not letting him ruin my auntie's night," she handed me the water and two pills and disappeared, leaving me with alone with my father.

"Ignore her," I said to him.

"No it's fine, I can tell when I'm not wanted. I just came here to see you, I knew you'd be here and this is the only way I could reach you."

I sighed, "because you've made my life so complicated. I've been through a lot in the past five years and the last thing I needed was for you to ruin my happiness, again."

"Beyoncé I was never trying to upset you that day, I just didn't know how to handle it. As a parent, what do you do in that situation?"

"I had NO control of what happened, I NEVER had a choice. If I had a choice, do you think that's what I would've did? I can't change the past, but that still gave you no right to call your own daughter a.... 'slut' and tell me 'I wish you would just die, I hate the fact that you're on this earth'. My whole childhood had been about pleasing you, living up to everybody's expectations, and the fact that you said that to me... it's just like, what the hell am I living for? If I can't please my father, what am I living for? The only answer to that question was to keep living life and find my purpose. I'm no quitter, and unlike you, when I experience loss in life I don't take it out on everyone around me. You're dead to me now, I want you to stay as far away from me as possible, you can be my father from a distance."

I began walking away, my head is still pounding and the tears that were forming in my eyes made it no better.

"You don't even mean that."

"I do, I mean every single word. You're the reason why I am who I am, you're the reason why I am so damaged, I was so broken. I still can't even open up to my fiancé because of you, because I'm scared that he'll be the fourth man in my life to walk away from me. My trust issues run deep because of you. I really hate you, I tried to take care of you after mama left but you just kept trying to bring me down with you. Lyndall wasn't the first man in my life to break my heart, you were."

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