Ch. 12 (Beyoncé)

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After hearing the door slam I knew he was gone. I didn't mean to play with his emotions and give him mixed signals but he has a whole wife. Does it ever cross his mind to know how I feel? I feel like a side chick.


"Hello?" I answered, Shawn's phone had been ringing all night and the same number kept calling so I just assumed it was important.

"Hello? Who is this?" she asked, yes she, there was another woman on the end of the phone. I raised the phone from my ear and viewed the number. I didn't know what to introduce myself as because I wasn't exactly his girlfriend but we act like we we're together.

"One of his friends, who are you?" I asked.

"His wife."

My heart sank to my stomach and my throat immediately became dry. I looked down at Shawn who was asleep with his head on my lower stomach.

"Well, he's sleep right now and I guess he'll call you back in the morning. Have a nice night," I said as I tried not to lose control of myself then I hung up.

I'll be considerate enough to wait until he wakes up. That's such a shame, things were going pretty good ever since he expressed himself to me.

I turned his phone off because I knew if I had a husband and some random girl answered and said he was sleeping... tuh.


So it's 8am right now and I still haven't slept, but Shawn is still asleep. I'm glad he's sleeping peacefully.

I gently moved his head so I could get up and use the bathroom.

My reflection met me as soon as I turned on the light and I still didn't like what I saw. A confused girl who still doesn't know what she wants in life, following some man around playing house and running away from people that are trying to sell her. Interesting story but it's the exact opposite of the cinderella story.

"You're a side-chick," I said to myself.

Tears began rolling down my cheek, why does the same thing always happen to me?

Maybe love just isn't for me...

"Bey," I heard.

I didn't respond, instead I just washed my face and began brushing my teeth.

"Beyoncé," he said.

I continued to brush my teeth.

"Unlock the door please."

I unlocked the door and he opened it.

"Are you done?"

If he's talking about me being done with him? Hell yeah. However, I knew he wasn't so I spit out the toothpaste in my mouth and rinsed my mouth and walked out of the bathroom not even giving him eye contact.

He grabbed my arm and spoke, "wassup with you?"

"We'll talk after you finish doing what you have to do," I said with a smile.

He nodded and closed the door. I looked in our bedroom mirror and my eyes were red and puffy, I also had a headache from thinking all night and crying all morning. Why would Shawn not mention that he had a wife from the get go? I would've never even kissed him, he fucking led me on knowing he had a wife. I balled my fists at the thought. Just as they unclenched Shawn walked out of the bathroom so I walked over to the bed and sat down.

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