Ch. 9 (Shawn)

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I can tell Bey didn't want me to be on this plane with her, it was evident, the way she ignored me and that look in her eyes. She looked at me the way I looked at Lenny, but I knew all of this hatred was temporary.

The music blasted in my ear drums for a good 20 minutes. I looked up and saw Beyoncé's beautiful facial features and smiled to myself. This girl does something to me, as if I'm not married.

By the way, I haven't told Sheilah anything about Beyoncé and vice versa, but when I told Sheilah about my "business trip" all she did was wave me off so it's clear enough to me that our marriage is no longer a marriage, we're practically roommates. I cringed at how much time I wasted on Sheilah.

"You okay?" Bey asked me.

"Yeah, I'm straight," I replied to her and she shifted in her seat.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"This seat is really uncomfortable."

I nodded in agreement.

"You can come sit over here if you want."

"No, I'm fine."

I looked at her while she put her attention towards the magazine that she was skimming through. She's so petty, I sighed and stood up and made my way over to her side of the jet.

"Stand up," I told her and she did as she was told, our height differences varied whenever she wore heels or not, but with or without them I still towered over her and got the best view of how adorable she was.

I sat down and patted my lap, she chuckled but surprisingly; she sat down. Her blonde hair rested on my chest as our bodies lay there while the faint noise of the engine remained but went unnoticed after a while of semi-silence. Her heart was beating a wonderful beat as there was an occasional sniff from her nose and I watched as whenever I let out a big breath a piece of her hair moved.



"Why are you such an asshole to me?" she asked and I shifted a little which caused her to sit up and look at me.

There was a little bit of silence and I avoided eye contact with her because my brain didn't know what to do, do I tell the truth or keep this going? I looked back down to her pretty eyes, which were barely noticeable because of the lighting on the jet, it was dark but there was still some sunlight peeking in through the window. She looked fed up with me; which is understandable, I'd be fed up with someone who didn't know what they wanted. But finally, I spoke up.

"The God honest truth is because you were right, you were always right about how I felt the first time I saw you. I'm attracted to you and sometimes your diction and persona," I paused for a second and admired how vulnerable she looked.

"makes me nervous, nobody has ever figured me out that well since my ex, but she passed away a long time ago. So what I'm trying to say is, I live a very dangerous life and I don't want to see you a part of it. You're a good girl with a good soul and good intentions, stay that way."

She stared at me in awe for a while.

"Shawn you're so.... complex, there's so much more to you that I don't know about but with time I can find out. But what you're doing now isn't okay, I'm on a damn private jet going to damn China all because you wanna keep a job. You can be so much more than this," she said with frustration, I can tell by the way her eyebrows were narrowed and the strain in her voice that she believed I could be better. Her interest showed me that she believed what she said, too bad I can't.

It was hard for me to believe that I could be better when my whole life I was faced with so many disappointments and never ending roads to nowhere.

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