Ch. 5 (Shawn)

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Oh my God. I just kissed her, we kissed.

No, we made out, I felt a connection that I haven't felt in years. She read me so easily; I am attracted to her, I was always attracted to her. I wanted to kiss her, I wanted her, but she was too brilliant.

She had already knew me too well and we've known each other for less than 12 hours.  The last time anyone ever figured me out that well was my girlfriend before Sheilah and I got married.

I snapped back into reality and went back to my stance, I clock out in 30 minutes. After that, I was on a whole new level of eager to leave work.

"Jay," Lenny said walking up to me.

I rolled my eyes, I don't have the time for him; not right now at least.

"Yeah Lenny?" I asked with no enthusiasm at all; but I was tired, frustrated, and confused. My mind was not off of Beyoncé for a split second, I lied to her, she must feel like a complete idiot after what I just pulled. I made her question her intelligence, she must feel so incomplete and desperate.

"You can clock out now," he stated walking past me.

Thank God, I'm not capable of doing anything else right now besides think.

I pulled up to my home and sat in my car for a while and thought about everything. What I was gonna say to my wife, what I was gonna do with Beyoncé, what I was gonna do about my job.

Eventually I walked into my home only to be greeted by Sheilah standing there with her arms folded.

Here we go.

"Who is she?" she asked but I ignored her and just went to take a shower, that's all I wanna do. Take a shower and sleep this confusion off, but of course Sheilah won't let me. She was speaking but I wasn't listening, I just kept removing clothing to prepare for my shower.

"Shawn, I know you hear me talking to you, who the fuck is she?"

I sighed.

"What are you talking about?"

"Yesterday you came home with lipstick smudges on your shirt, now you don't have any, what? Y'all were careful this time?"

No, this time it actually happened, and she wasn't wearing lipstick.

"Sheilah you sound so ridiculous, do you even hear yourself talk half of the time? There's nobody touching me besides you baby," I said and walked into the bathroom.

"Baby? I'm baby now? These past couple of days you've been calling me by my actual name, but today I'm baby," she scoffed.

This is so damn ridiculous, I don't have the time to deal with her right now I just want to take a shower.

"Can I take a shower?" I asked, changing the subject.

She stepped out of the bathroom and I continued to get ready for my shower, finally.

I walked into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around my groin and Sheilah was sleep, which was very unusual, especially at times like this.

As I was getting into our king sized bed I heard her mumble something.

"What?" I asked, too tired to really care.

"You're not sleeping here, go to the guest room," she repeated.

I sighed, too tired to protest, and proceeded to the guest room. She can argue with herself, I'm not arguing anymore. I cannot stand an insecure woman, all these years I've been with

Sheilah and she never started to question me until maybe 2 weeks after I got my new job. I told her I was a "sex therapist", but I never told her anything about me sleeping with patients, that idea just sparked in her brain.

I walked into the guest bedroom and fixed the bed up a little and then got comfortable, under all the stress I was put through today I need this; an empty bed.





I opened one eye and saw my phone going off, I quickly picked it up and answered it.

"Hello?" I answered half way into oblivion.

"Jay, you gotta come in," he paused and I heard shuffling and muffled screaming in the background.

"This bitch is crazy and she won't calm down," Mar said through the phone.


"That lightskin chick with the blonde hair, she tried to escape again, we gotta get her on the plane tonight before she tries to run off again," he explained but I was too tired to completely care about what he was saying.

"Alright alright, I'm on my way."

"Oh and uh... Shawn," he paused and waited for my response.

"What?" I asked impatiently while putting on my left sock.

"You have to go with her."


Authors Note: I didn't even finish this but I'm just updating in honor of Tori Kelly following me on twitter today 🙌🏽😭.

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