Ch. 21 (Shawn)

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"Man, look at what the fuck you did!"

"She left you twice baby, she don't love you anyway," Sheilah said.

"Fuck you Sheilah, all you do is cause problems. Why can't you just leave me alone?"

"Cause I love you and I wanna make this work."

"All those years and you didn't wanna make shit work, you're just a selfish, gold-digging bitch."

She chuckled, "how can you say that about your baby-mother?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I'm pregnant."

I stood there and looked at her.

"You fucking trapped me."

She smirked and left the room.


After I checked myself out of the hospital, even though I wasn't completely healed I called Bey, it sent me straight to voicemail. I sighed and decided that I'd just take an Uber home. The Uber ride was long and I had all the time to think to myself. I really fucked up with Bey.

I know I did, but despite everything I still love her. Honestly, I knew something was bound to happen because for the past couple of weeks I had been getting weird phone calls, Sheilah had been texting me too but her number saved in my phone was John, just so Bey wouldn't get the wrong idea. There was nothing to hide anyway, the only time we talked was when I had to go to New York to make her sign the papers, but I had ended up meeting up with an old friend, Kanye, and we ended up getting drunk. Then Sheilah called me and I drove to our old house, that's the last thing I remember. I don't remember sleeping with her and I definitely don't remember getting her pregnant.

When we pulled up to the house I thanked the man and paid him. I waled up to the front door and banged on it. After a while Bey answered, it was 6 in the morning and the sun was still rising. She opened the door and immediately tried to close it again until I caught it with my dominant right arm.

"Bey," I said as she went up the stairs.

She ignored me. When I reached our bedroom I saw suitcases, some were already filled and some weren't.

"Bey can you please just listen to me?"

She kept packing, not even hearing my side of the story.

I continued calling her name, she continued to ignore me. She continued packing, putting her shoes on the side of the bed, I grabbed her arm.

"Don't touch me!" she screamed snatching her arm from me.

"Just fucking listen to me!"

"What Shawn, what do you have to say?! You FUCKED HER, YOU FUCKED HER WHILE YOU WERE WITH ME!"

"I was drunk, you know I'd never do any of that shit if I was in the right state of mind!"

"Congratulations, you're now a father of two! Happy? Are you satisfied with you life now? You get to have a family, will you enjoy co-parenting with your side bitch?"

"Stop," I said.

"Why should I Jay?"

I cringed, she only called me that when she was really annoyed or pissed off at me.

"Cause that's what's gonna happen, I can't believe I was dumb enough to even get caught up in a situation like this," she blew her breath in frustration.

"Look I love you, and I don't need anybody ruining what we have, I don't care about Sheilah."

"Too bad, now you have a child with her so you have to care about her."

Beyoncé stood there with her arms folded.

"Are we done speaking? Cause I have a flight that needs to get booked."

"I'm not letting you leave."

"You don't control me."

We stared at each other for a while until she continued packing.

I grabbed her arm and hugged her the best I could, I knew she was serious about leaving and there wasn't much of a fight I could put up against it being that I had stitches and bandages on my left shoulder.

"Shawn, please let me go."

I ignored her and she didn't hug back but she didn't push me off either.

"I love you Giselle," I said in all honesty.

She finally gave in, "I love you too Corey, but all this stress isn't good for the baby, I think it's just best if I stay with my mom for a while in Houston. I can't lose another child, I can't and I won't."

I kissed her, she didn't kiss back until I slipped my tongue in her mouth. It was slow and passionate, I gripped her ass in the process and she moaned into my mouth. She held the back of my neck as we kept going. She took my bottom lip into her mouth and bit it, releasing the kiss.

"Did you enjoy that?" she asked.

"Mm, yeah."

"Good, cause it'll be your last one."

I nodded, I can't even argue anymore. I fucked up, but I'm not going to let anyone else have Bey. As for Sheilah, she set me up big time but I got something for her ass.


When I woke up Bey's side of the bed was empty, she had agreed to sleep with me last night, her side of the closet was emptied out too.

I sat on the edge of the bed and eyed the piece of paper on the dresser. I stood up to see what it was and it was a note.

Sorry things had to end the way they did, but you brought this upon yourself.
I think you and Sheilah should get back together and be the happy family she wants y'all to be. I knew this wouldn't work the minute I found out and I should've
listened to my gut instinct. I love you Shawn, but we just can't be together anymore. I promise to let you see your child when he/she is born but until then, goodbye.
~ Bey
I should really stop updating at this time :( but my time zone is Eastern Standard Time. I just decided to update because this is just a filler anyway, why make y'all wait? 🌚

How do y'all feel about Sheilah being pregnant? 🙃

Basketball season ends this week. 😕💔

That just means more updates for you guys and possibly another book. 💖

okay I'm talking too much, bye.


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