Ch. 27 (Beyoncé)

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After I got off of the phone with Kelly I looked over at Shawn who was grinning widely. This man, why does he do this to me? I stared down at the engagement ring in bliss, this was all too surreal.

"I've been telling you since the beginning that you were gonna have my last name, I love you baby girl."

"I love you more."

"Impossible," he said and kissed my lips. The kiss deepened and I pulled away.

"Mmm... baby I gotta take a shower.."

He nodded and I walked into the bathroom. After my shower I dried myself off and walked into the bedroom where Shawn was nowhere to be found. I shrugged and assumed he was somewhere complaining about the food being nasty to the management. We were staying at a hotel for the weekend, I had no idea that Shawn was going to propose, he really went out of his way to keep it a secret.

I stared down at the ring in awe, diamonds are a girls' best friend.

Sooner or later Shawn came back into our room, I was watching TV in nothing but one of his T-shirts. It wasn't until he got closer till I noticed what was in his hands.

"What are those for?" I said pointing at the oils.

"I'm about to give you a massage baby," he smirked.

"Uh uh, I'm not letting you give me a massage because that's how I got here," I said in all seriousness. He chuckled, I'm so serious, pushing out Liana was really enough for me. Kelly needs to have a kid because nope. I'm officially scared for life.

"Come on Bey, you're a little tense."

I sighed, "fine."


After Shawn was done and my body was completely oiled down and glistening he gently caressed my hips and V-line. I shivered under his touch. He then immediately attacked my neck with his devouring kisses as if he had been deprived of food. I softly moaned, my skin caved in at each ambush Shawn created. He mumbled inaudible words into my neck, causing vibrations and my eyes rolling in the back of my head.

"I missed you so fucking much," he groaned breathlessly into my ear. I wrapped my arms around his neck, he kissed me aggressively. Shoving his tongue deep into my mouth, tasting everything there was to offer. He dug his fingernails into the side of my face, most likely leaving a mark as I moaned into his mouth and broke the kiss. Not accepting my unreasonable abandonment, he latched onto my lip and pulled me back into the kiss with his teeth. My weak and nerve wrecked fingers trembled to the side of his lip, I tried to slow down the pace but he only wanted more. He wanted more of me, this kiss wasn't enough. He slid his tongue into my mouth again forcefully and I caught it with my lips and sucked on it, I soon felt him rise more. I continued this action until he was fully at his attention. My hands glided down into his pants and I stroked his shaft. He then grabbed my hand and pinned it over my head.
"I'm in charge tonight lil mama," he said barely above a whisper. I looked into his eyes and saw a spark, this man was about to fuck me like I've never been fucked before.
Without another word being said he quickly attacked my sensitive nipples, making me moan openly. His breath rushed across my nipple causing my areola to tighten up, he slowly flicked my nipple again. I bit my lip to hold in my moans while he bit, sucked, and blew on me. My back arched and he hasn't even reached my lower half.
"You're so fucking perfect," he whispered against my top abdomen in between the valley of my breasts. He then started to leave hickeys down my stomach, as soon as he got near my V-line I shivered. He smirked and kissed my inner thighs, a low moan escaped from my mouth. His hand started to play with my clit while he bit my inner thigh.

"What? What am I doing?" he murmured against my skin. The vibrations nearly made me go crazy.

"Stop fucking teasing me," I said through gritted teeth.

"Say it's mine."

"It's yours, Shawn."

He licked my clit and then stopped, I rolled my eyes in frustration.

"Who's is it?" he asked.

"This pussy is yours daddy."

He smirked and burried his face in me, vigorously sliding his tongue around my clit and licking over it slowly. I arched my back and gripped the sheets, those. fucking. lips. He started to slow down his tongue movements which allowed my body to overcome the sensations I was feeling, it wasn't until he went deeper and shoved his entire face into me tongue fucking my pussy where I felt completely under his control. I moaned wildly into the placidly expressionless room and then he stopped right before my climax.

Before a warning he shoved his entire length into me causing me to twitch and my knees to buck. He held my knees and forcefully opened my legs and pounded into me.

At this point I had no more control over my moans, they flew out of my mouth like curses. Shawn thrusted into me once more and my juices shot all down his shaft causing him to grunt. He wasn't done and he wanted to make sure I knew. He slowly thrusted into me and then he shot inside of me.

"I'm always gonna be yours ma," he said.

He removed himself from me and flopped down on the bed laying on his back breathing heavily. I turned over and gently on his dîck. I slid myself up and down slowly with my hands wrested on my thighs while he grunted and squeezed my breasts. After I got used to his size I placed my hands on his chest and began grinding on him making the headboard repeatedly hit the wall while my moans and Shawn's grunts filled the room again.

I picked up the pace earning more and more grunts from Shawn, I look down at him and stared him in the eyes.

"Damn Beyoncé... shit."

I smirked and went faster, creating a dent in the wall from the headboard banging against it. He held my hips and bounced me up and down, hitting my spot causing my body to get weak. I slowed down and he physically scolded me by hitting my spot once again. I screamed in agony and continued bouncing on him. He leaned up and held his arms under my knees to give me more support. I put my hands back and bounced forward onto him and felt him getting bigger inside of me.

"Ahh Shawnnnn, daddy, fuck I'm about to cum!" I moaned. Shawn kissed me and bit my lip while we both tried to silence our moans. I came and he shot into me once again.

We rode out our climax and I collapsed onto the bed, Shawn buried his face in my neck. We caught our breaths and after just laying there for a while enjoying each other's company he kissed my neck and nibbled on my ear lobe.

"You ready for round two?"


She isn't pregnant y'all so don't start 😩

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