Ch. 2 (Kelly)

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I had just finished another stressful day at "work", I guess you can call it that, but in reality I'm just doing an internship. If I want to be in the modeling industry this is what I have to do, unfortunately.

My long black hair blew in the wind like a cape, I pushed my bang to the side a bit just to get the annoying feeling off of my eyelashes. I walked into the elevator while checking the time, 5:46pm, typical New York traffic time. I pressed the garage button and immediately felt the floor push up against my feet as I was leaving the 5th floor to enter the last one. The elevator dinged and I made my way to my car, red and humble.


It was a long drive home, especially with all the traffic, maybe I should've listened to Bey and took the train. A smile became visible on my face as I thought of how my best friend was always right, sometimes it's annoying. My all of a sudden heavy feet shifted in the pattern of the staircase outside of our apartment building and I gestured for my keys even though they were in my hand the whole time, oh kelly. Today was just too long of a day.

As I entered my humble home it was quiet, too quiet. Usually Bey is singing, listening to music, loudly, or attempting to cook a.k.a about to burn down the house. However today, there was none of that.

"Bey!" I called out.



Silence.... again.

"Bey! I have popeyes," I sang.

Okay, she really isn't here because lord knows she would've been hauling ass down the stairs, if I actually did have popeyes. Then I remembered she had that little modeling gig thingy today, I guess for a flyer or something, so she should be home a little late.


Okay, where the fuck is she? I clicked the home button on my phone, 10:..

"What the fuuuuuck?!" I yelled in annoyance. Don't you hate when you click your home button to check the time and you forget about touch ID so your phone just unlocks? It's just utterly disrespectful, it was 10:56. That's all I wanted to know apple, damn.

I called everyone she knew, except for Mason. Mason is a pretty boy, caramel tone with light brown eyes, faux african accent — Bey actually believed that bullshit until she made him angry and his English became crisp and clear parting from his small lips— he also had a long tongue and his game must've been good because... girl. A laugh escaped from my lips as I thought about all of the times I heard them two having sex; it was so awkward and unnecessary.

Mason was her boyfriend from when she was 19 till she was 23, they had a child together and she was glowing like she had never been before, but then she miscarried it and it was just all downhill from then.

That must've fucked her up mentally because now she has this whole "I don't want love" mentality. So we moved to New York, mainly because she had to get away from that life but I got offered an opportunity that I couldn't miss.

She never told me what happened between them, she always said "it just wasn't meant to be." Like that's cool and all but I wanted full detail.

Should I call him?

Yes.... wait no.

Okay, yes.

I dialed his number, just hoping he wasn't fucking some bitch at the moment with his horny ass.



"Hello?" he answered in a hoarse african accent.

"Mason, cut the bullshit accent it's Kelly," I responded.

"Oh, hey Kelly, why are you calling so late?"

"Because Bey isn't answering her phone."


"So I sorta, kinda, hoped she was with you."

"In an alternate universe, yes."

"Mason, forreal I haven't seen her since this morning and she would've sent me a text or called me by now."

"Welp, maybe she found som-"

"Uh-uh, hell no, goodnight. Thanks for nothing," I intruded as I ended the call.

I refuse to believe she is laid up with some guy without telling me. I checked the time again, 11:04, damn maybe I should call the cops.


Wow, NYPD sucks. It's been 3 days and I still haven't heard, seen, or spoke to Bey. I've been blocking out the painful what ifs for 72 hours now... I don't know what to do anymore.

My glass of water didn't even smell like water, it stunk of wine and was stained with faded red remnants, that's how much I drank wine these past few days.

Wake, Work, and Wine.


My head laid steady on the desk until the vibration of my phone left my head in shambles, I groaned and picked it up.

Unknown caller. Area code 852.

"Hello?" I answered helplessly.

"Kelly, it's me," a familiar voice responded.

Alright, am I going crazy?

No, I'm not. Wine doesn't have that much effect.


"No, it's Giselle," Bey replied sarcastically referring to herself as her middle name. She irks my soul but I'm just so glad I hear her voice.


Short chapter but I hope you enjoyed.

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