Ch. 19 (Shawn)

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Pic of Sheilah attached.

My body tensed up as a sharp pain shot through my shoulder and my chest. The last thing I heard was Bey scream until my eyes started getting heavy.

"Baby, please don't give up on me," I heard Bey said through sobs.

I tried to fight through it but the pain was impeccable so I just closed my eyes.


I woke up to an illuminating sight and I blinked to adjust to it. There was the same pain I felt before I went into my slumber the first time.

"Shawn?" I heard someone say, it sounded like my mother but how could she be here, all the way in Arizona?


"Yes, I'm here baby," she said with tears in her eyes as she grabbed my hand.

"What happened? Where am I?"

My mother looked down a bit and her mouth opened periodically as if she was trying to find something to say, like she didn't know how to put it.

"You're in the hospital, you got shot."

I got shot? Then I began to think, shit.

From when I got that phone call at work, then I rushed home to see Beyoncé who had been perfectly fine, then Lenny having the conversation and Bey was listening the whole time. Her being too pissed off to even look at me.

My mom studied my features as my younger brother sat in his chair waiting for his 'turn' to see me... that made me feel weird. Like I was in a casket and it was his turn to view my body.

This feeling was all too familiar, I hate funerals. The last one I went to was Tamara's and it was hard coping with the fact that I was the reason for her death. She had been in the wrong place at the wrong time and it was all my fault.

Eventually, my mother had sat down. I can't even imagine what she had been feeling, she almost lost another son. I can't let that happen.

"I'm sorry ma," I finally managed to say.

"Just be more careful, Corey. I can't make your decisions for your whole life, you're smarter than what you just put yourself through."

I just nodded my head, signifying that I was listening.

Then my little brother walked up to me with sorrowful eyes.

"You warned me," he said. I looked at him in confusion.

"I'm failing a couple of classes but I swear I'll get them back up, this was an eye opener. I'm going to step up and take full responsibilities for my actions with ma, I promise."

I just looked at him and stuck my fist out, he pumped it and then we made it explode.

We're dweebs.

After a while the nurse walked in, asked me questions and left out. She said that I might have suffered very minor brain trauma but I'd be fine.

Ma was sitting on the other side of the room writing on social media how I was okay because apparently I had been in a coma for a couple of days.

"Ma," I said to get her attention.

She looked up at me.

"Where's Beyoncé?"

Her eyes focused in another direction as she tried to avoid contact with me.

"She uhm.... she left," she replied.

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