Ch. 28 (Beyoncé)

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Two months later. Houston, Tx.

I sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed my eyes, I enjoyed the peace and quiet until a crying Liana interrupted the silence. I quickly went into her nursery room and picked her up out of her crib.

"It's okay, mommy is here."

I immediately changed her diaper and she stopped crying and began trying to eat her hands.

"Dang, let me make your bottle fat girl," I cooed at her and she smiled. Liana latched on but she's teething and it hurts every time she bites down too hard. It also doesn't help that she's been extra cranky because of that, she can take it out on the bottle and not me.


Shawn was at work until eleven thirty today because today was the day of my mother's wedding. Everything about my mother's wedding day had to be perfect because I love her and that's my leading lady, she means so much to me. Despite us not communicating that often when I was younger, I really love her.

I bounced Liana up and down on my leg and she giggled and showed off her teeth growing in at the bottom of her mouth, I smiled down at her. Liana resembles me in so many ways, from her light and colored eyes to her big ears.

For a few more hours I awaited Shawn's arrival, he finally came home with bags in his hand. I put Liana in her bouncer and she continued to watch TV. Shawn put the bags down by the door and before he could even finish the sentence he started I jumped on him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I missed you," I said and sniffed his neck. He's wearing my favorite cologne too, ugh so daddy.

"I missed you too baby," he said. We saw each other this morning, but we're corny so we get to do stuff like this.

"What's in the bags?"

"Little extra stuff for the wedding," he said.

It's crazy how close my mom and Shawn have gotten, Sol still is iffy about him and Mr. Richard already sees him as another son. It's cute, but Sol will get over it. I carried some of the bags up to our bedroom and Shawn followed behind, I quickly went back downstairs so Liana didn't think she was alone. She hates being alone, I swear she's six months going on sixteen. It's so hard for her to even sleep in her own room. I turned the TV off and took her out of her bouncer, we walked upstairs and she was about to start crying.

"Uh uh don't even start," I said. She just continued to make a face and shuffle around in my arms. I laid her down on my soft mattress and changed her diaper I went to throw it away. When I came back she was just sitting up staring at me as if she had just done something mischievous. She looked so cute I just had to take a picture.

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