Ch. 3 (Shawn)

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Authors Note: Shawn Carter is Jay Z, for all the non-beyhive readers out there :). Oh and part of this chapter was prior to him meeting Bey.

I woke up this morning to feel the silent grunts against my skin, it was Sheilah; my wife. Last night we argued, but when don't we argue? We argue about the same thing and I always have to explain myself like I'm some sort of broken record.


"Sheilah, please," I sighed deeply and untied the strings to my timbs. I swear if I wasn't raised right my foot would go so far up her a-

"I'm so fucking sick of this Shawn!" she growled and snapped me out of my spiteful thoughts.

"Sick of what? What do I do? I go to work, come back, take care of your son, and cater to you. I work my ass off so you and him can have somewhere to rest at night," I spoke so enraged.

"Don't put my kid in the equation you asshole. Every damn night you come home with lipstick smudges on your shirt and you reek of cheap perfume, and I can take care of myself."

"It's my job, the only person I'm having sex with is you; if that's what you're implying."

"Shawn..... what do I need to do? I cook, clean and have sex with you! What am I doing wrong?!"

At this point, tears were trailing from her pretty hazel eyes. I admired her beauty even if she has tear stained cheeks and mascara residue around her eyes. If only she would stop being such a baby. I'm not cheating on her, never have, never will.

My temptations to bring her into a hug and console her was very high but I can't because like she said, there are lipstick smudges on my shirt and I smell like cheap perfume. Right now, I wouldn't dare even touch her because I know that'll just spark up another argument.  

"Sheilah.... baby, I'm sorry, okay?"

She sniffled a couple of times and looked at me with her brown skin glistening in the dim lighting and her figure looking perfect while she stood there in her bra and panties. I was oh so tempted but I smell like a hoodrat, a druggie, everything of that nature is what I reeked of right now.

But she stood there, with tears in her eyes; waiting for me to touch her. I unbuttoned my shirt and proceeded to take it off, but there was still a stench of perfume on the thick layers of my dark skin. I leaned forward with my arm out but she backed away and scoffed.

"Don't you dare touch me."

And with that, she walked off. My brain was doing somersaults, I didn't know what to do. My fist balled up and my jaw clenched. I'm really not cheating on her. I picked up my shirt with force and proceeded to the bathroom to take a shower and clean myself up.

When I got out of the shower I wrapped my lower half in a towel and walked into the bedroom. Sheilah was reading, something she normally does when she's trying to ignore me. I mentally sucked my teeth at the sight of her being childish. I freshened up some more, put on my boxers, and got in bed.

Sheilah still ignored me.

"Baby," I intruded, breaking the silence.
"Hm," she responded.
"Can we talk?"
She ignored me so I took the book out of her hand and slammed it on the desk next to the bed. She looked at me, startled by my aggression. I smirked back at her because I was turned on by her reaction, once she saw that curve to my lips she attacked them.

I guess you can use your imagination to tell what happened next.

* * End of flashback * *

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