Ch. 20 (Beyoncé)

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After I saw Shawn in the hospital I felt like some sort of bad luck charm. It was around 10 a.m and the 2nd day of Shawn's coma. His mama and brother flew in from New York and I have to pick them up from the airport shortly.

The doctors said that if Lenny had aimed higher then Shawn would've gotten shot right in the head, thankfully it was just his left shoulder, he would've been dead if the aim was better. I lightly chuckled at my situation, all of this was just because of business. Not even, 'you stole my slogan business' but 'you stole the girl I was gonna sell business'.

After a while my phone began to ring, Ms. Gloria's picture appeared on the screen.

"Hey mama," I answered.

"Beybey, we just got off the plane."

"Oh okay, I'm on my way," I said getting up from the seat in the lobby.

I hated to leave Shawn there alone but it was for a good cause.


"Hey Janid, mama," I said hopping out of the Range Rover and hugging them both.

"Wooo girl you getting big," she said rubbing my belly. I smiled and laughed a little.

"Woah, he got you pregnant?" Janid asked.

"Yeah, you excited about being an uncle?"

"Yeah, he gonna be a quarter back, just like his uncle," he said and grinned.

I just laughed, it's scary how much him and Shawn look alike.


I dropped them off at our condo first, of course I had cleaned it up and increased our security system ever since the incident. Not like Shawn and I would be staying longer, but for the time being it was good that I did so. The cameras were just installed yesterday so I'm still getting used to having cameras all over the place.

I drove back to the hospital and we checked in and got our visitors passes, I walked them to the room and made sure that Janid would remember the room number, 404.

We all sat in the chairs that were present in the room, they were uncomfortable for me, usually at times like this I would sit in Shawn's lap, but I guess this is my punishment being that I'm the reason he almost died.

"Beyoncé," Ms. Gloria said to me.


"Why you crying girlie?"

"I don't know mama, I guess my hormones are all over the place," I said as I laid my head on her shoulder.

"He'll be okay Bey, he's a fighter."

"I know, but I just feel like this is all my fault," I said and tears just started rolling down my face and I covered it. Ms. Gloria hugged me and rubbed my shoulder.

"It's not your fault, he just lives a dangerous life, I told him that job was no good but his ex-wife was greedy and persuaded him and told him that he needed the money."

I stayed silent.

"Plus if this was your fault, I wouldn't claim you anymore, but you'll always be the daughter I've always wanted," she said causing me to laugh.

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