Ch. 10 (Shawn)

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I looked down and Beyoncé was asleep in my arms. She was so beautiful, how could one be so perfect? And how could she have a thing for a guy like me?

My looks ain't all that and I'm not the good guy. I shrugged it off and decided to take a nap also.


After a while I felt Bey moving.

"Stop," she said and at first I was confused because we had been in the same position for an hour.

"Get off of me!"

Then I realized she was having a bad dream.

"Bey," I said and shook her until she fully escaped her oblivion.


"Yeah it's me, you aight?"

She got up and went to the bathroom. After a couple of minutes she came out and apparently washed all of the make-up off of her face.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"Why are you apologizing?"

"'Cause sometimes I have bad dreams."

"It's alright, but are you okay though?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

I nodded and she cuddled back up with me. Whatever she was dreaming about seemed like a sensitive topic, it was like she was having a panic attack in her sleep. I'm curious but it's clear she isn't comfortable enough to discuss what happened but in due time I'll find out; I hope.

We sat in silence as the engines roared, I slipped my hand in her beautiful blonde hair which was very thick and healthy and I admired it.

"Having fun?" she asked with her face still buried in my chest.

"Yup," I said putting emphasis on the p.

She chuckled at my response.

"It's a mess," she said and ran her fingers through it.

It wasn't though, at least that's what I thought.


After a while the jet came to a stop and we did a full circle. Josh greeted us and we said our goodbyes. I think he has a thing for Bey, I can tell by the way he looks at her and it's frustrating to witness. This woman ain't even mine nor does she know about Sheilah, but I still get jealous. I don't know why I, out of all people, get jealous when Bey gets hit on by another man.

My ring is almost never present on my finger and her picture isn't in my wallet and corny shit like that. Do I feel bad about doing Sheilah like this? Yeah, I actually do but our marriage is dead and unhealthy. Not saying that I'm unhappy but it just doesn't feel the same.

Beyoncé and I got off of the jet hand in hand and we approached the gates to the garage. Our belongings were packed back into the trunk of my car and with all this happening Bey looked nervous so I put my arm around her. She loosened up a bit but I can tell she still wanted to be careful about her surroundings.

Technically, we are on the run.

However, I'm not intimidated by Lenny or his guys because I've worked for him long enough o know his weaknesses. I'm not letting him lay a finger on Bey ever again.

"Shawn...," Bey said and her hair danced in the wind as she looked at me while the sun rays beamed off her beautiful caramel skin. A piece of her hair was forced to her lip as her cherry-colored lip gloss was present. I moved it out of the way and looked at her indicating she had my full attention.

"What if... what if this doesn't work out? What will happen to me?"

"Don't worry about it because nothing will happen to you, I got'chu," I responded. I told her the whole truth, there was no way that I will let her go through what she did these past couple of days.

"Thank you," she said.

"For what?" I asked.

"For saving me."

"Nah, thank you for listening ma."

We stared at each other for a while then we proceeded to the car and hopped in to start our expedition.

(A/N): I can't wait till you guys see where I'm going with the rest of this book :).

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