Back Story (Beyoncé)

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"Ma, where is Solange?" I asked my mother whose eyes were glued to the television.

"In the kitchen or in the backyard," she replied without taking her eyes off of the TV.

I walked into the kitchen and she wasn't there so I headed to the backyard where I found her sitting on the swing writing in a song book. Even though I left the group 3 months ago, we still like to write songs and sometimes even record them for fun.

My sister was extremely smart and talented for an 11 year old. Her song writing skills were unbelievable, her voice was amazing, and she could start any dance craze in all of Houston if she wanted to.

I sat next to her on the swing and she put her book down.

"How you feel?" she asked me and I sighed.

"A lot better, dad and I are talking now. He just got his job back, I think everything will be fine in due time."

She nodded.

"Do you know what a virginity is?"

Her eyes nearly popped out of her head as she saw what I was hinting at.

"Bey, please tell me you didn't."

I stayed quiet for a while.

"Bey, come on. Did you at least use protection?"

I stayed silent as the tears started to flow.

"Sol, it all happened so fast and I didn't want to let him down," I sobbed.

"You're smarter than this, why didn't you use protection?"

"I thought he would have it, I didn't know that I was supposed to have it."

"You aren't, that's more so his job. We have to schedule you a doctor's appointment."

"What? No, that means we'll have to tell mom and then dad might find out. We just got back on good terms I can't let that happen."

"Bey you didn't use protection, you could be pregnant!" she semi-yelled. Her frustration was getting the best of her and that happened from time to time but it had been happening towards me a lot. The thought of that made me feel worse about my poor actions lately.

My head lowered as she looked at me.

"I'm sorry, Solange."

"Don't apologize to me Bey, you need to apologize to everyone else you hurt because of that boy."

"No I do need to apologize to you, I miss you. You're my best friend and I can admit that I've been neglecting you because of him. I'm so sorry."

She hugged me forgivingly and I sunk into the hug.

"Now apologize to yourself."

And with that she left me there after placing a kiss on my cheek.


"Lyndall... I don't think I can do this anymore," I said as I caught my breath.

"What do you mean? Come on Bey, this'll be the 4th time you're still not used to it?" he asked kissing my neck and low moans escaped my mouth.

"That's not what I mean," I responded pushing him off.

"I can't keep lying to my parents, I can't keep doing... this."

"You'll be fine, just one more time it'll feel good."

"No, I can't," I said as I slipped out of the bed and began dressing myself. Lyndall quickly grabbed my arm and smashed his lips onto mine.

"Stop!" I screamed but my screams were silenced by his tongue being shoved into my mouth repeatedly. I began hitting him, everywhere. I fought him until he pushed himself into me and I screamed at the sudden pain between my legs.

"Mm, you like that baby?" he moaned.

I continued to scream as I literally felt him ripping my insides. After a few seconds I finally gained the strength to push him off and out of me.

"Beyoncé what the fuck?!"

"Fuck you, I don't ever want to see you again. Stay away from me."

I quickly grabbed my belongings and left his house, it was midnight so luckily there was no one outside to see me half naked. I quickly got dressed on his porch in my track pants and pull-over hoodie. It was winter break and it was kind of cool in Houston.

My hair was in a messy bun, I pulled my hoodie over my head in hopes that no one will just happen to be outside at this time.

I began walking home in the dark, alone, at midnight.

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