Ch. 11 (Shawn)

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1 Month Later

*Shawn's POV*

I woke up to Bey's hair spread all over my face. A typical morning with her, this girl slept WILD. When I say WILD that's exactly what I mean, one day I woke up to her foot in my face and her knee in my back.

If you're wondering what happened over this past month let me fill you in. No me and Bey have not had sex, we're actually friends that like to kiss and cuddle from time to time. Do I want to be more than friends? Of course. But Bey has trouble letting people in, I understand it though.

Lenny is still trying to find us being that Bey was supposed to save the company but I got something for him and that company, soon.

I met Beyoncé's best friend Kelly, she's a sweet girl, kind of crazy but she acts just like Bey. Both southern and wild. Bey and I are currently staying in Arizona because it's a very quiet and "unknown" state.

Sheilah and I are still "married", but that's a topic we'll discuss another time. Bey knows about her which is one of the reasons why she doesn't want to be anything more than friends. We act like a couple but we really aren't a couple; roommates is the correct term, I guess. 

I moved Bey's hair away from my face and attempted to get up only to be stopped by own of her arms. I slowly and gently picked up her arm and set it down to the side of her and sat on the edge of the bed.

My eyes burned because of the amount of light that was being shone into the room. I got up and closed the curtains then proceeded into the bathroom to do my hygiene routine.


I walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my bottom half and was greeted by an awaken Bey.

"Good morning," I said and kissed her forehead.

"Good morning Shawn," she said dryly.

"Why so dry?"

"Because friends don't kiss each other on the forehead as a greeting," she responded while she was still buried under the covers.

"Best friends do."

She chuckled at my response and removed the covers and exposed her nearly naked body, Bey always slept in something revealing or short and then complained about being cold.

"Best friends don't do that either."

"Alright Bey, my fault. You liked it though."

She blushed.

"Ahhh look, I made you blush," I said grinning.

She laughed that adorable laugh that would make you feel like you've accomplished everything, from finding her, to protecting her, to creating a new bond with her.

"Whatever, we all know what kissing can lead to," she said and walked into the bathroom.

She's smart, I continued to get dressed though, there's a lot that has to be done today.


"Shawnnn," Bey yelled from the bathroom.

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