Ch. 16 (Beyoncé)

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"Kelendria!" I yelled.

"BeyBey!" she said running out of the guest room and hugging me.

"I missed you so much!" she continued.

I just stood there with my hands on my hips, not returning the love back. Petty, but I just wanna know who Tim is.

"Why you being so fake Bey?" she asked and scrunched her face up.

"I'm being fake?!" I said in a melodramatic tone.

"Yes, why didn't you hug me back?"

"Why didn't you tell me about Tim?"

"Why are you answering my question with a question?"

"It's not an answer if it's a question."

"Beyyyy," she whined.

"Who's Tim?" I asked nonchalantly.

"My boyfriend," she responded.

I put my hand on my chest and backed up a bit, "he blowing your back out?"

"Shut up," she said.

We both laughed.

"Speaking of that, you and Shawn had sex didn't y'all?" she asked.

"That's what couples do, plus he's officially been divorced for about 3 weeks now," I said sitting on the bed.

"Damn, was it good?" she said raising her eyebrows up and down.

"Why do I have to tell you my b-.... Oh shit," I said and remembered that Shawn and I didn't use a condom last night.


"We didn't use a condom, fuck fuck fuck," I said starting to panic.

"Bey relax, you're happy with him right?"

I nodded.

"Then you should be happy about this."

"Kelly it's not like that, I'm happy that he's probably the father of my child, but remember the last time I was pregnant?"

Last time I was pregnant with Mason's child, we constantly argued and I was stressing a little too much and miscarried his child.

Kelly just looked at me.

"Kelly I don't want to miscarry another child," I said and my eyes began to water.

"Bey, everything will be fine. You and Shawn are happy together, but are you gonna tell Shawn?"

Kelly consoled me and held me in her embrace.

"Woah Kelly, I'll tell him when I officially know if I'm pregnant or not which won't be until another month."

Kelly nodded. We sat on the bed as my head lay rested on Kelly's shoulder I thought about the idea of Shawn and I raising a child together.


Kelly and I soon joined Tim and Shawn who were downstairs cooking.

"Shout out to us for finding men that cook," I said to Kelly as I walked down the stairs.

"Fat ass," she replied.

We shared a laugh and went to sit at the island.

"What's on the menu?" I said rubbing my hands together.

"Steak, rice, and peas," Tim said.

"Bless up," I said pointing upward, thanking God for this meal that was about to go into my body.

After we finished, Shawn and I cleaned the dishes while Kelly and Tim made themselves comfortable in the guest room.

"Shawn, stop before I really beat you up," I said. He wants to keep playing throwing water on me. I'm about to really beat his ass, always playing.

"Beat me up then," he smirked flicking water into my face.

"You got in my hairrrrrr, why would you do that?" I frowned, I'm black he can't be throwing water into my hair thinking that it'll stay straight.

"I'm sorry," he said trying to hug me.

"No, don't touch me damn you play too much," I said leaving the kitchen, he can finish by himself. He really just pissed me off.

I walked into our room and figured I'll just take a shower and let my hair frizz up. I undressed myself then walked into the bathroom.

Before I turned the shower on I heard the room door close, I hope he doesn't come in here thinking that he about to get some, 'cause that's out.

"BeyBey," Shawn called out.

Beyoncé you're mad at him, stay mad at him. He just messed up your hair, be mad. Get angry.

"I know you can't stay mad at daddy for long," he said.

I didn't respond.

"Bey if you don't answer me I'll just come in there and make you talk to me."

Is he threatening me?

I continued to clean myself, Shawn then came in the bathroom in nothing but his boxers. He stood there admiring my body through the transparent shower-door. I glanced at him periodically as I continued washing myself, eventually I got tired of him standing there; on hard.

I turned the shower off and looked at him.

"Can I help you?" I asked. Instead of answering my question he undressed and joined me in the shower, turning the water back on and attempting to kiss me. I moved my head to the side, which clearly didn't stop him from attacking my neck causing small moans to slip from my mouth.

"You like it don't you?" he asked in breathing into my neck.

All I did was nod slowly, enjoying the foreplay that Shawn was feeding into.

He slid into me unexpectedly but gently causing me to moan aloud.

"Shh, you gotta be quiet," he said kissing my lips muffling my moans.

I'm trying to get these fillers out of the way without updating too much 🙄.



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