Ch. 32 (Beyoncé)

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"Sol you can't do that," I said massaging my temples. She was giving me more of a headache than my own daughter. It had been two months since I've forgiven my father and about a week or so since I let him meet Liana.

Even though things are going pretty great for me, I can't say the same for my little sister.

"Why can't I? You did it," she sunk in her chair and crossed her arms.

"You and I aren't the same people. I had connections, you don't."

"What does that have to do with anything?" She fired back, I raised my eyebrows. Pregnant or not, she can get slapped back into her lane.

"First of all, who are you talking to like that? You're still MY little sister, calm down."

"Well stop talking to me like I'm your child."

I sighed, "Sol stop acting like this."

"There you go again! Commanding me to do things!"

"Look, I don't care how bad your hormones are affecting you. You can't take online courses and just sit around at home all day. One, you live in the middle of nowhere, two, moving back in with mom isn't going to work because mom is planning a move. Three, It's time you start taking care of yourself and stop letting others take care of you. You're way too old and smart for this."

She just huffed and pulled out her phone, I rolled my eyes and continued watching TV. She's not about to disrespect me in my own house, I don't care if we're only five years apart, she better respect her elders.

Sooner or later I heard the doorbell ring, I got up from the couch and went to attend to it. I looked out of the peep hole and it was my mom.

I opened the door and immediately spotted the aluminum pans in her hands.

"Ooh what's that?" I asked.

"Well hello to you too," my mother said bypassing me with the pan. I closed the door and joined her in the kitchen. I mean if she brought food then I don't have to cook, I'm super hungry.

"Where's my grand baby?"

"At my second mother's house. The one that feeds me," I said reaching for the pan once again only for it to be swatted away by my mother's heavy ass hand.

"Hush up, I feed you. You can't eat with that smart ass mouth."

"Mama," Solange said walking into the kitchen, giggling a little.

"What? She provoked me."

I rolled my eyes and smiled widely at her while my stomach was growling.

"Look I'm dying, food is my only remedy," I said putting my hand over my stomach and hunching over.

"Beyoncé please," my mom said and pushed the pan towards me.

I smiled and started fixing my plate.

"Fat ass," Solange mumbled.

"Shawn loves it," I responded to her. She scrunched her face up and I laughed.

"Solange where's that boy?" my mama asked.

"He's still on campus, so he's still in Virginia." Sol answered.

"And how do y'all plan to do all of this?"

"Well.... Bey said that it would be bad that I take online classes so I'm still going to be on campus and I guess I have to move into a dorm."

(Lmfao I have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm still in high school. Bare with me.)

"You're not staying in a dorm with a complete stranger."

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