Ch. 7 (Shawn)

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"Don't do anything that you'll regret with this girl, she ain't worth losing this pay," Mar said to me.

"Mar, this just doesn't sit right with me, look at her," I said angling my head towards her.

She stood there looking at her nails, her blonde hair was now frizzy with loose curls, no where near what it was when I saw her for the first time, her versatility is so amazing.

"Jay..." Mar said waving his hand in my face, apparently I was staring for too long.

"My fault, what was I saying?"

"You were being a little bitch, you let her get into your head man, she's just like the rest of the broads that get thrown in here, she just got curves in all the right places," Mar responded and I was heated. Beyoncé is nothing like these other girls that get thrown in here, most of them are here because they want to be and need the money, but Beyoncé is different.

She sang in the shower and it was beautiful, there was so much passion and emotion in her voice and she truly does not need to waste her life getting thrown around for a couple thousands.

"Jay are you even listening to me?"


"I just said that you need to not get too attached to this girl, ship her over there and move on, don't you have a wife and a step-son? You don't have time to be playing with a girl who's in her twenties," he said.

"Aight, I get it."

"Now ship her off so we can make this money," he said rubbing his hands together and I chuckled at how much he resembled rick ross when he did that.

I made my way back over to Beyoncé and she was just standing there quietly, her perfect caramel skin and hazel eyes that coincided with her honey blonde curls.

What am I going to do with this woman?


I pulled out of the parking lot and of course I'm bombarded with questions.

"Where are we going?" she asked, that southern accent is so sexy.

"To a destination," I replied.

"Shawn what's your favorite color?"

"Blue, why?"

"I'm just trying to change the conversation," she replied.

"Oh my fault, what's yours?"

"I don't have a specific favorite color, there's too many colors in the world to choose just one favorite."

We were at a stoplight and I just turned my head to look at her, she's so interesting in a queer way.

There was an awkward silence for a while until she spoke up before I could find the courage to, that's if I ever could find the courage to.

"So who was that guy that tried to come on to me?" she asked and I was confused until I thought about Lenny "scaring" her last night.

"Oh that was my boss, sorry about that," I snarled at the thought of him even being 2 feet close to her.

"Don't seem like y'all are the best of friends."

"He's a self-sufficient human being, that's why."

All she did was nod after that, I hate how men throw themselves onto her which is why I reacted the way I did after we kissed, she probably goes through that all the time.

"You're a good singer," I spoke up.

"Uh, thanks," she said looking at her nails, indicating her nervousness.

Just at that moment we pulled up to a mall, it was a long drive but it was worth the ride.

"Why are we here?" she asked.

"You don't want clothes?" I asked her and she immediately got out.



Why do women take so long to shop? I'm not complaining or anything because I'm actually enjoying spending time with her, but damn this woman can shop till she drops, literally.

"Shawn, come here!" she called out from the other side of the dressing room door.

"I'm not coming in there," I replied.

"Please, I need your help zipping this dress up."

I sighed and prepared for what was about to happen. She opened the door and stood there with her back facing me and her hair was tossed over her right shoulder. The dress was white, short and back-less  (if you know then you know lol) that had to be zipped from bottom up. Before I took action by zipping the dress I admired how beautifully she was sculpted; she was literally sculpted to perfection.

"Thank you," she said and looked down.

"Why do you always do that?" I asked.

"Do what?"

"You always look down and play with your fingers or you just look down."

"It's just a habit, I guess."

"You need to break this habit," I said lifting her chin up and looking into her eyes.

Our eyes met and I swear her eyes could talk a psychologist into suicide, make a baby laugh, and persuade a drug dealer to get a degree. She leaned forward and I pulled back just a little bit so that she would lean forward a bit more, just for clarification that I had her consent, and I did.

Our lips met and it felt so good, way better than the first; the first was lust. This one however, was the beginning of a new bond, a bond that I wasn't going to let break. There was no tongue, no touching, it was just our lips.

Why did two days with this woman feel so much longer? Is this what love at first sight means? Not exactly at first sight but in just a few hours to where you think you can spend forever with them? Call it uncanny but it's whatever.

When our lips finally pulled apart there was a silence and I froze just looking at her celestial facial features, and she pushed me off.

"Stop playing with my emotions, Shawn," she then pushed me out and slammed the dressing room door.

I definitely deserved that.

Author's Note: Another one *dj khaled voice* lol.


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