Ch. 26 (Kelly)

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Excuse any errors.

It had been a little over three months since Bey gave birth to my beautiful little niece, it was also the day that Shawn decided that he was going to propose to Beyoncé. I'm so excited for my best friend, my baby is really getting married. It feels like just yesterday we were younger talking about marriage, now she's grown fioneeee and is about to be engaged.

"Beyoncé your parents have such a beautiful marriage, it's like they were made for each other," Latavia said.

We were all sitting on the trampoline in Beyoncé's backyard, just talking to each other and making memories.

"I know right, I don't think they'll ever divorce or anything like that. It's almost sinful for them," Beyoncé said.

"I can't even imagine my wedding or any of y'alls. My babies are gonna be so grown up," I said.

"I don't plan on getting married, it seems like too much work," Beyoncé pitched in. We all laughed, she had the most energy to do everything else but when it came to getting married she thought it was too much work.

"I just want to make sure I'm marrying the right person and not making the biggest mistake of my life when I say my vows," LeToya said.

We all nodded in agreement.

"Knowing Bey, she might go out and marry Lyndall," I said jokingly.

"Hm. We'll see, I don't think it'll happen though," She said.

I looked at her body language and I could tell she was uncomfortable, I made a mental note to ask her later about it.


After a while LeToya and LaTavia left leaving Bey and I alone in her room. She had her face buried in a magazine while I just stared at the ceiling, daydreaming.

"Hey Bey," I said trying to grasp her attention.

"Hm?" she said looking at me.

"Why did you look so uncomfortable when I said that you were going to marry Lyndall?"

"Yeah, I like him and all that but I don't think I'll marry him."

"But y'all both like each other, y'all are the perfect match."

"I don't know Kelly."

"Oh Bey come on y'all are so cute together."

"Looks can be deceiving though," she stated.


"Kelly just drop it, alright?" she snapped.

I just nodded at her and left the room, I hated when people yelled at me and she knew that.

Typical thirteen year old conversations, I used to be so soft back in the day though. Anything could get me upset, but now I see why Bey didn't want to marry his crazy ass.

My phone rang and Shawn's contact name appeared on my screen, I quickly answered because I was supposed to be watching Liana while they went on their little date night here in New York. I found it cute how he decided to purpose to her here.

"Hello?" I said.

"We're outside," Shawn replied.

"Okay, I'm about to come down there."

"Nah, we're coming up there so just unlock the door," I heard Bey say through the phone.

After a short while I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and Bey jumped in my arms hugging me, I haven't seen her since Liana was only a couple of days old.



"Wooo, you lost all that weight girl, but that ass stayed," I said eyeing her down.

"Kelly you so gay," she said laughing.

"Whatever, where's my baby?"

"Right here," Tim said coming down the stairs in a white v-neck and cargo shorts.

I rolled my eyes, "not you. Where's my little Lily?"

Shawn then walked in the door carrying her in the car seat with the baby bag on his shoulder.

"Aw, look whose in father mode. I'm so glad y'all are back together."

"I know, I am too," Shawn said. Beyoncé just smiled.

Soon they had left and I just played with my niece and watched TV with my boyfriend. Liana was laid across my chest dozing off with her pacifier in her mouth. This little girl is so easy to babysit, she hardly ever cried because of how spoiled she was. I'd do anything for her.


It was around nine thirty when I saw that Bey was calling me. I quickly answered the phone.

"Kellyahhahshahahhh," she said. I silently laughed on the other side of the phone.

"What? What happened?" I said playing dumb.

"Shawn proposed," she said through sniffles.

"You sound like you're going through so many emotions, but I'm so happy for y'all."

"I ammmmm," she whined.

"Girl, collect your life and tell me how it all came to be."

We laughed and for the next hour that's what we spoke about. I'm truly happy for Bey, she really deserves this. She deserved to finally be happy.


I'm highkey plotting, and y'all already know that I ain't shit so it's lit. :)

I don't go on spring break until next month 🙃.


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