Ch. 4 (Beyoncé)

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I should've stayed in Houston. At least it's warm there, I'm freezing back here. Jay is an asshole but his aggression turns me on.

"Get out," he said and I just looked at him and shook my wrists. I guess he forgot that he handcuffed me like the asshole he is.

"Oh yeah," he added and un-hooked the hand cuffs, he allowed me to get out of the car as I was under his control. I sighed and we started walking, my legs felt like anchors and my feet were like frozen ice cubes hammering into the concrete.

He was walking a little too fast and my legs were barely pushing through and then I stumbled and my heels shifted to the left like a drunk model on a runway. He looked at me, but there wasn't much to see at 7pm in Brooklyn, but I could tell his audacious eyes were focused on me; it made me tingle.

But why am I attracted to him? I like good guys, the guys that will gently do things, the guys that will sweet talk you, the guys that like long walks in the park. Shawn is the complete opposite, he's aggressive and sweet when he wants to be.... and that turns me on. His charisma is so alluring, he does something to me.

I have to admit that I had someone like that, he was my first love, but looks can be very deceiving and he definitely showed his true colors.


Wow, what a lovely day in New York, it's hot but not too hot and it's not cold at all. I like this weather, it's the perfect weather to stab your boyfriend. Yep, that's what I'll do, I'm gonna kill him and no one is stopping me.

I made an illegal U-turn in the middle of the road, probably pissing people off, but I didn't care I was more concerned with the fact that I called Mason's phone and some raggedy, skank, half-ass bitch answered his cellular device. Now, I'm not usually this crazy but I'm pregnant so these hormones got me acting out but that's completely fine with me.

My car did all of the driving, I was more focused on what I was gonna say in court, what I was gonna wear to court, and how jail food tastes. Probably nasty but, I won't be in there forever; I hope.

When I finally pulled up to his house I parked so good, like I don't usually parallel park but now I'm calm enough to do it. You ever get so angry that you're calm? Yup, that's me right about now.

I walked up to his front door and put my key in, I quietly opened the door and came into the house, then I crept up the stairs. All I heard was moans....

Rest in peace.

"Uhhh..... yes Mason, faster daddy! yes!" it moaned.

Nope, nope, absolutely not. I busted the door open and tilted my head at the sight, Mason looked like a deer in headlights and the human in the bed—or whatever species it is— covered itself with the sheets.

"Beyoncé what are you doing here?"

"Fuck you," I responded and left the room. I was supposed to kill him. Beyoncé why didn't you kill him? I paused in the middle of the hallway, something has to happen, I didn't come down here for no reason. I did a 180 and walked back into the room to see them putting their clothes back on, I punched the thing in the spherical object attached to it's body and it fell backwards. K muthafuckin O.

"Beyoncé what the hell are you doing? You're pregnant!" Mason yelled.

"Don't fucking raise your voice at me, what the hell is this Mason? Why are you doing this? We were supposed to be taking a break without seeing other people," I said with tears coming out of my eyes.

"Baby, I... I don't know okay, I couldn't control myself I needed some and we weren't talking, you weren't answering my calls. I was lonely for Gods sake," he spoke.

"It's over, I'm done with you and your bullshit. All we do is argue, Mason. If you don't want to be with me anymore, say that. If you don't want to be tied down anymore, say that. If you want to be alone in your twenties, say that. Don't have me running around like some psycho pregnant bitch because you can't be trusted. So tell me, what do you want?"


"You don't have an answer 'cause you don't know what you want, just... do you," I stated and walked out.

He called my name a couple of times, but I didn't care enough to turn around. If you love something you have to let it go, and I loved him so much; I was attached to him. Attachment isn't good for the body, that's why people say love is a drug. I wasted 4 years of my life on Mason, he was the perfect guy in the beginning but I'm glad he showed his true colors before we ended up getting married. Now I'm carrying his child, and even though I'm temporarily hurt, I want to have this baby. I've already fell in love with him/her.

Flashback over

Oh well, who wants that perfect love story anyway? Back to reality, I was back in this dark, lonesome, and cold cell. The only light I received was the one from the hallway and the street lights beaming in from the outside. I heard the sound of keys jingling and it was Shawn, he had clothes in his hand. Thank God.

"Here," he said and threw the clothes at me, that's it, he's gonna fix his damn attitude.

"Look," I said jumping up at him, "you need to cut the fucking attitude."

He stepped back and then started to laugh hysterically. I punched him in the shoulder and he stopped laughing and looked at me.

"Hit me back," I stated with my hands on my hips.

He didn't do anything but look at me.

"That's what I thought," I snatched the clothes off of the stool. He then grabbed me and pinned me against the wall.


"Don't you ever put your hands on me again," he stated sternly. Our eyes locked for a while until I felt a bulge in his pants, I looked down and he was hard, I looked back up and saw his eyes on my lips then back up at my eyes. We took breaths and then our lips locked; forcefully.

My leg lifted up to his waist and we were in a full make out session. Our tongues crashed and collided, his hands searching for every curve and twist on my body, his tongue wrestling with mine. It was amazing and it really got rid of the unwanted tension between us.

He wanted it.

I wanted it.

He turned me on.

I turned him on.

It was evident, but that was not enough, I want him to confess his feelings.

I pulled away and we caught our breaths.

"I'm sorry, that shouldn't have happened," he said walking away but I grabbed his arm.

"You wanted it to happen, admit it," I said.

"Admit that you wanted me since the moment we laid eyes on each other, I see it in the way you treat me. Shawn, I can see through this façade," I confronted him and rubbed the side of his face.

"No," he paused and removed my hand, "I didn't."

And with that he locked the gate back, looked at me and then he vanished down the dull hallway. I stood there; dumbfounded. Then I changed out of these clothes and put on the clothes he gave me and sat on the bed and thought.

I have to get out of here.

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