Ch. 24 (Beyoncé)

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I give y'all full permission to curse me out in the comments 😩


Even though Shawn and I couldn't be together, he always called to check up on me. Over the past couple of months, which have been going by fast, he stepped in more. He had even gotten a house down here in Houston, we decided that we'd raise our child here. After our debate on the name we had finally agreed on Liana Zoë Carter.

I was closer and closer to my due date and I'm so excited that I'm nervous. It's been almost three months since Shawn showed up to my parents' house, ever since then he agreed to help me out from a distance. Not that I didn't want him near me, but my pregnancy hormones were out of control and I'm almost always horny.

"Beyoncé, I know you hear me," my mother snapped.

"Sorry mama, what were you saying?"

"I said how does this look?"

My mother and I had been out for almost three hours shopping for wedding gowns that she wasn't going to get, I don't know why she doesn't just get it custom made, that's way more elegant than some store bought trash. 

I tilted my head to the side, "I meannn-"

"Ugly? Yeah, I wasn't feeling this design either."

I sighed, that had to have been the fifteenth dress she has tried on today. I'm ready to go, I'm tired and eight months pregnant. I yawned and looked at myself in the mirror, the amount of weight I put on was ridiculous. All I did was eat, sleep, do my work, and throw up occasionally. I was too lazy to even have a baby shower, it was terrible.

My mother walked out of the dressing room with her original clothes on and I silently did a prayer and thanked God.

"You ready to go?" she asked.

"Already?" I asked sarcastically.

"Oh hush," she said.

I stood up and waddled out of the store.
When we ended up in the driveway of my mother's house I felt contractions, I gripped my thigh and let out a high pitched shriek.

"Contractions?" my mother asked. I nodded and she awed me. We got out of the car and I limped my way in the house, I've never been in so much pain during this pregnancy. This was a new level of pain, I flopped down on the couch as I gripped my thigh harder probably peeling some skin off. A tear rolled down my cheek, I felt like something inside of me had popped then droplets of water came down my legs.

"Mama!" I yelled.

"Beyoncé hush," she yelled back from the kitchen.

"My water just broke!"

"Ahhhhhh, my grand baby is on her way!"

I sighed and tried to control my breathing, it was too much and so painful. My mother rushed upstairs to find the hospital bag, she came back downstairs along with Mr. Richard. I stood up and quickly went to go change.


"Beyoncé, please breathe honey."

It had been 4 hours and I had finally dilated six centimeters, it wasn't a lot but it was enough for a natural birth. I've never in my life felt this type of pain, I felt like I was being ripped apart minute by minute. My heart was beating rapidly and my head was pounding. I wanted my beautiful baby girl to be here already. I don't think I'm going to make it because the doctors said that the type of pain I was feeling was abnormal but I'm trying to fight through it.
It's hard to try to be optimistic. The pain was unbearable, I couldn't even form sentences. Shawn stood by my side, my mother was on the other side of me wiping the sweat from my forehead. I tried to get my breathing pattern back to normal but it wasn't working, if I inhaled too hard it would hurt. Shawn grabbed my hand and kissed it, "you got this baby."

"On the count of three I want you to push as hard as you," the doctor said.

I pushed and then groaned in pain and gripped Shawn's hand.

"One more time, push a little harder and longer."

I pushed and pushed until I heard cries. It was the most beautiful sound in the world. My grip on Shawn's hand loosened and my body was stiff. My eyes began to get heavier and heavier. I fought for them to stay open, but it just wasn't working. I closed my eyes.

"Beyoncé?!" My mother said.

"Beyoncé please.." I heard faintly until I was fully off into unconsciousness.

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