Ch. 25 (Shawn)

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March 4th, 2015.
7 pounds 3 ounces.
Liana Zoë Carter.

I looked at Beyoncé's pale face as she lay there on the hospital bed, it had been twenty hours since she has given birth, twenty hours since Liana Carter had been welcomed into the world, twenty hours since I damn near lost the love of my life. It was a bittersweet moment, I thought I lost her.

The doctors informed me on how strong she was and how much she was fighting to have our child. She had been fighting through the whole pregnancy because after she had the miscarriage her body became weak and it was a miracle that she was actually able to have a child. This just made me more grateful and thankful that she was my baby's mother. I honestly wouldn't trade her for the world.
I was accompanied by Ms. Tina, Solange, and Mr. Richard as we waited for Bey to show some signs of awareness. So far we only have the sound of her heartbeat, indicating that she's alive. She was here but she wasn't really here.

There were so many tests being done on Beyoncé that it was scaring me, but Mr. Richard and I had a talk and he wanted me to stay optimistic about all of this. Solange and Ms. Tina helped to kept me calm, but now I'm so nervous that I'm calm.
After a while the doctor came in with more results and followed behind him was a nurse who brung in a sleeping Liana. I reached out for her but I was stopped by the doctor.

"I think it's best that you aren't holding her right now," he stated.

I nodded, I don't know what he's about to tell me nor do I know what's hiding behind those papers but I do know that whatever it is can be life changing. Ms. Tina legs bounced, Solange bit her nails and Mr. Richard sat with his elbows to his knees, I on the other hand was stuck dazed at the little girl coupes up in the nurse's arms. My baby girl is so beautiful.

"So, we did some blood work and it turns out that she didn't have enough blood flowing to her brain which caused the mini stroke, it also attacked a small portion of the broca's area. When she wakes up there's a chance she won't remember anything for a couple of hours, but she'll be fine. However, if her speech is affected she might have to do ten to sixty weeks in speech therapy, depending on how bad it is."

"Thank you, doctor," Ms. Tina said and flashed a smile at him. He left the room and the nurse placed Liana in the crib-like thing. I was stuck, there's so much that she went through just to have Liana.

"I can't do this," Solange said and stormed out of the room.
Ms. Tina sighed, "I'll go keep her calm."
I leaned my head back and blew my breath. Mr. Richard sighed and left the room. I stared into the blank wall that I was facing, I hadn't even noticed that I was crying. For the first time in years there are tears coming from my eyes, I wiped them and hen sniffled. I rubbed my head, preparing for the unnecessary headache I had just given myself.

"I know you ain' sitting over there crying baby boy," I heard that thick southern accent, along with a bit of grogginess and I thought I was hearing things. Only to look up and see Bey's hazel eyes meet with mine. Even from a distance you can still see that sparkle in her eyes. However, when I approached her and our eyes met the sparkle disappeared and her eyes became extinct and bare.

"I missed you," she said and placed her cold hand on my cheek.

"I missed you more, I thought... I lost you," I said and caressed her palm as she ran her index finger over my ear.

I pulled up a chair and sat directly in front of her, she looked like she was in a whole lot of pain.

"So how long have you been awake?"

"Bout ten minutes prior to Solange being the drama queen she is, I heard everything the doctor said. Do you think I sound funny? 'Cause I really don't wanna do speech therapy."

"No, but your accent is very... present."

Beyoncé chuckled and then attempted to sit up only to come crashing back down to the pillow, she grunted and winced in pain.

"I wanna hold my baby, that's all I wanna do."
I stood up and went to pick up Liana, she had been sleep for a while, as a new born should.
She was so tiny, she was smaller than the length of my forearm. As I handed her to Bey she started crying, but as soon as her eyes opened and they made eye contact she immediately stopped.
I saw a tear escape from Bey's eye.

"Hi Liana," Beyoncé cooed.

"I'm your mommy."
I smiled and pulled out my phone to take a picture.

"Hey Bey," I said.
She looked at me and I blinked at her.

"I love you."

"I love you too baby," she said making full eye contact. I searched her eyes until I found the spark, then it was there, I finally saw it. It had been six months since it was present whenever we made contact. That's how I knew she meant it. I leaned down to her face and pecked her lips.

"Kiss me longer baby," she whispered.
I smirked and kissed her, she added tongue and I pulled back. She frowned and Liana started crying again.

"I think she's hungry," I said.
Bey nodded and pulled out her boob, I tried to not get hard but her boobs got a lot more plump and I haven't seen them in months.

"Let's see if you'll latch on my beautiful Lily pad," she said and I chuckled.
Liana did indeed latch on, but I mean who wouldn't latch onto that fine ass caramel goodness..

"Shawn! I know you are not hard!" Bey exclaimed.
"Look, in my defense, I haven't seen you naked in so long."
"And you won't for a while, because I'm fat."
"Oh Bey, shut up."
"Who are you talking to?"
"You, Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter," I smirked.
She chuckled, "I like how you just snuck in Carter like I wasn't going to notice."
"Well, that'll be your name soon so I'm not even worried."

Before she even got time to respond Ms. Tina, Solange, and Mr. Richard all came in the room. They all had puffy red eyes and tear stained cheeks. Beyoncé immediately frowned, she hated to see people sad. Especially because of her, I've noticed that.

"Oh Beyoncé my baby," Ms. Tina said and planted kissed on her face. Solange side eyed me and then focused her eyes back to Beyoncé.


Sundays are officially my update days. lol.


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