Ch. 31 (Beyoncé)

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Two weeks later.

Shawn pulled up to my dad's house and we sat outside for a while. I left Liana at my mother's house because I wasn't ready for him to meet my daughter, he honestly didn't deserve it. If it weren't for Shawn I probably wouldn't even be sitting in his driveway.

"You ready?" Shawn said running his thumb across my knuckles, he knows that calms my nerves down.

I nodded and we got out of the car, he grabbed my hand and we walked up to my dad's doorstep. I hesitantly knocked and another woman answered the door. I figured that this was his new wife, she was pretty but she wasn't my mom.

"Hi, you must be Beyoncé," she stuck her hand out and I shook it and smiled.

"Yes.. and you are?"

I felt Shawn look at me but I didn't break the contact I had with whoever this woman was.

"I'm Angela, your father's wife

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"I'm Angela, your father's wife."
"Come inside," she said. I stepped inside and introduced her to Shawn.

My dad came strolling in from the kitchen and I just stared at Shawn.

"Hey," he said to me with open arms. I just stared at him.

"Beyoncé..." Shawn said softly. I think if it weren't for Shawn standing there and Angela witnessing all of this for the first time I would've immediately broke down.

"I think we should give them some space," Angelica said.

Shawn and my dad's wife left the room and I sat down on the isolated chair while my dad sat across from me on the sofa.

He sighed, "What do I have to do to fix this Beyoncé?"

"I don't think this can ever be fixed. The only reason I'm here is to let all of this go. I don't want things to be this way but you made things this way when you took mom for granted. Did you ever ask Sol and I how we felt about it?"
"I was only seventeen, Sol was only twelve. You came home and bombarded us with all of this information. Your wife, two kids. I mean, did you even love mom at all?"

"Of course I loved your mother."

"Then why'd you take her granted? She did everything for you, sacrificed our home for you. Busted her ass in her hair salon because of your foolish dreams. You're selfish and money hungry. You never once asked me if I wanted to be a singer professionally. I never did, you never saw that. You can't change the past though, I learned that the hard way."

"Exactly, you can't so all I'm asking for is your forgiveness. Your mother forgave me, why can't you?"

I stood up and sighed, "I do forgive you. I just don't know why it took you so long to realize this."

"So how did you feel about this?"

"Before I was devastated, not only did you break mom's heart but you broke mine too. I looked up to my parents, the divorce made me never want to experience love again. I moved to New York with zero intentions on getting in a relationship. Shawn makes me happy though, I don't regret my decision. Now, I don't care as long as both of you are happy I'm happy."

"I'm glad to hear that, now introduce me to this Shawn you speak of," he said wrapping his arm around me. We walked into the dining room where Ms. Angela and Shawn was. They stopped conversing and looked at us.

"Dad, this is Shawn. Shawn, this is my father."

They shook hands and smiled at each other.

"Nice to meet you, Shawn."


* * * * * * *

I blew my breath as I got in the passenger seat of Shawn's benz.

"How do you feel?"

"Like I'm ready to start the next chapter of my life," I replied.

"Which is?"

I looked at him, "marrying you."


Slow updates from now on because I'm working on other books. ✊🏾


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