Ch. 18 (Beyoncé)

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This chapter is for Beybey_amanda15 💖💖💖.

Shawn had went to work and I was left all alone, I was taking online courses in the field of  sociology, I figured since I can't work I'd get my degree and be a part-time mom without having to leave the house for school.

Speaking of houses, Shawn is currently looking for houses near schools in our financial range.

I'm currently 7 weeks pregnant and I'm becoming more noticeable.

"Bey!" Shawn called, he's home early today.


"Baby, are you okay?" he said coming up to me hugging me and kissing my forehead repeatedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine baby but wh-"

Just then a bullet came flying through the window unintentionally striking a vase, causing me to scream. Shawn covered me with his body and we slid underneath the office desk.

"Shawn, what's going on?"

"Shhh.. baby everything is going to be okay," he said covering my mouth. I looked him in the eyes and I could tell that he had been hiding something.

"Lenny is back?" I quietly asked.

He quickly nodded.

"Fuck, I thought you got 'rid' of him."

About 3 months ago Shawn said that everything was going to be and that I had nothing to worry about. He promised me that Lenny wouldn't touch another hair on my head and that he wouldn't find us in this forgettable state, so how the fuck is he here?

"He clearly escaped."

Shawn tried to get up.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to see if he's here."

"Are you crazy?! He has a gun!"

"I got this, he doesn't have aim."

"Baby," I said and looked him in the eyes. He stared back and sighed.

"Bey, I'll be fine," he said and kissed me. I deepened the kiss and latched onto him almost as if it was second-nature.

He pulled back and then pecked my lips three more times.

"I love you," he said standing up and so did I.

"I love you too baby, be careful," I said and hugged him.

"Stay in here until I come back, if 15 minutes go past and I'm not back I want you to run out the back door and get in the car, drive around the corner and park there. I'll take care of Lenny and meet you out there, okay?"

I nodded, "but what if-"

He shushed me, "trust me."

"Okay," I whispered. He kissed me one last time before leaving the office room.


I paced back and fourth in the office right after Shawn left.

After a while I heard a loud thud which caused me to jump.

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