Ch. 17 (Shawn)

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3 weeks later.

After 8 months without working I had finally found a well-paying job in Arizona.

Real estate: the most common occupation for people with no degrees.

I wasn't exactly fascinated with my job but I wasn't broke either and I was happy to be a working man again. With a real job this time, not ruining people's lives and bringing them into their deathbed.

Bey and I have also been talking about moving into an actual home, her idea though not mine. I actually liked the condo life but Bey thinks she's grown now so whatever.


"Bey!" I called.

"Kitchen," she yelled.

I walked in and pecked her lips.

"Woah, you cooked all of this?"

"Yeah, and I ma-"

I cut her off because she didn't let me finish.

"Without... burning down the house?"

"You know what? Starve," she said jokingly.

I laughed.

"Nah but forreal, when did you learn how to cook?"

"Your mom taught me a few things when you were talking to your brother and I just got off the phone with her not too long ago."

"Oh yeah, well I'm gonna go take a shower and freshen up. Don't eat without me," I said kissing her cheek and walking out.

"I'll try!"

I chuckled, she better not eat without me.

"Anything interesting happen at work today?" she asked me.

Being with Bey I learned to love these conversations.

"Not really, the usual," I said putting a spoonful of rice in my mouth.

"What about you?"

Beyoncé's facial expressions suddenly changed and I can tell she was thinking about something because of her eyes and her body language.

"Nothing," she said.

I eyed her until she stopped looking down at her hands.

"Bey baby, if there's anything you need to tell me just let me know."

"I've been trying to tell you this for a while, but I have had some doubts and then I wasn't too sure about it," she paused.

She closed her eyes and sighed.

"Shawn, I'm pregnant."

I froze, then I smiled, then I frowned.

"How long-"

"I've known for a month but it wasn't confirmed until last week, we didn't use a condom on my birthday. I would've told you sooner but-"

"But what?"

I was becoming angrier and angrier by the moment but I didn't want to show her that, why did she wait until a month to tell me?

"Shawn, please. I didn't know how to tell you," she said as her eyes began to water.

"Do you think I wouldn't be a good father?"

"No, no it's not that," she paused then a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Fuck Shawn, I thought you'd be happy."

"I am happy, I'm actually ecstatic about you being the woman to carry my child. But waiting this long to tell me? I wanna be here for you Bey, do you not trust me?"

She mumbled something.


"I can't trust myself Shawn, it's not you. I've been pregnant before," she said looking me in the eyes.

Oh shit.

"I had a miscarriage 2 years ago."

After Bey said that my jaws tightened, I didn't know how to respond and I immediately regretted this whole conversation. My diction was very distressing and I know how emotional Bey is right now due to her hormones going crazy.

"Bey I'm s-"

"No, don't apologize, it's my fault," she said on the verge of more tears.

I went over to her and hugged her, she put her head on my chest and cried over her unborn child.

"I loved that child so much, Shawn," she sobbed.

"Shh, it's going to be okay," I kissed her forehead and rubbed her back.

I feel so selfish and insensitive to her.

"I'm sorry baby I shouldn't have brought it up, it's going to be okay. I love you."

"I love you too," she said.


I hope Bey performs Formation at the Grammys and has white america pressedT again 🙃.

Next chapter isn't boring I promise 😩.

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