Chapter 7: New House, New Life, New Everything

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(Carlisle's POV)

          I had cleared my schedule for the next three days so I could spend some time with Esme. I got home around 9 pm. I stayed a little later than normal since Esme wasn't home. She texted me saying she would be home in three hours. I spent that time reading. At midnight, I received another text from her saying that she was bringing a surprise and also that she would be home in two minutes. I walked slowly from my study down the stairs.

          When I got there, I saw her bringing in two black and red suitcases. I guess the Volturi wanted us to keep some old things of theirs. Or maybe I left some things behind that they found. "Welcome home Esme." I gave her a kiss.

          "Ewww! Get a room!" I jerked back and turned around. There stood a little girl who could be no older than five. "Hi. My name is Lily Volturi. You are now my father. Esme is to be my mommy." I looked back at my wife and saw that she was looking like she would cry if she could. She has always wanted a child. But this little girl had a heartbeat. It was a very slow one though. That's when I caught on to what she said her last name was.

          "Volturi? Esme, what's going on?"

          "She is what the Volturi had to give us. She will be a vampire queen someday."

          "That's right. I'm a werewolf, vampire, and something else. If you allow me to, I can show you all I remember. I showed mommy on the plane."

          "Okay." I was a little curious on how she would show me. I sat on the couch so I could sit her on my lap. She made eye contact with me and touched my cheeks. She was two months old when she first remembered anything. She was wondering who she was. She walked around in the woods. She tripped over a tree root and started crying. Someone had heard her and ran to her.

          "Are you hurt?" It was a human. She stopped crying when he picked her up. Mostly because her throat started to burn. Four of her teeth started to grow longer. They were super sharp. Without thinking, she bit into his neck. She drank until she was full. She sensed someone watching her.

          "Well well well. What do we have here?" It was Aro. "Come here little one." She walked up to him. "You have a strange little heart. Yet, you drink blood like us. I'll raise you. I hope you love how we live because that is how you will live, forever." He picked her up and ran. During the time she lived there, she did whatever she wanted to do and got whatever she wanted. She was only three. All she had told me is true. And like that, it was over. She had removed her hand from my cheeks.

          "Aro saved her!"

(Lily's POV)

          He was actually shocked that Aro would save me. "Great grandpa Aro is a good guy. He just has to be harsh sometimes. I would show you everything but I used too much of my energy already. I need to sleep. I require a cup of human blood in the morning along with a little human food. Edward said that I can sleep in his room till he gets back. Other than that, I will be off to sleep. Esme. You can either leave those there or I can take them with me. It's your choice."

          "You can leave them down here. I'm going to be working on a room for you to stay in until we move."

          "Okay." I ran upstairs to his room. I took a bubble bath. I used magic to get what I needed to do so. Also to poof me up a nightgown. I undid my braids and laid down on his sofa. It was comfy and smelled like him. I slept peacefully. Around nine in the morning my phone woke me up. Great grandpa Aro was calling me. I quickly answered.

          "Good morning Princess. How did you sleep?"

          "I slept fine, thank you. As for your next question, yes. I made it here late last night. Mommy Esme was right on time for picking me up. Is the money loaded onto my card?"

          "Yes sweetie. Redoing your wardrobe today?"

          "Yup. I have to look five now."

          "I sent the proper papers with the name Lily Annabelle Cullen on them before you left so your papers should arrive today."

          "Okay. Well, I must go. I need to eat. Bye great grandpa."

          "Have a good day Princess. Don't shop too much." We both hung up.
"You can stop spying on me. I know you're there." Esme slowly opened the door and came in with a sippy cup, pancakes, bacon, strawberries and grapes, orange juice, and syrup. "What's in the sippy cup?"

          "It's donated human blood. Aro sent me a list of everything you can and cannot eat and drink. As well as a list of your favorite foods and desserts. Would you like to go to IKEA with me today? We can get you things for your room. It will be right next door to Edward's room. Then once your birth certificate and other important papers arrive, we can get your own Cullen family bank card."

          "Okay. But before we go to IKEA, can we go shopping for clothes? Great grandpa Aro just gave me my allowance."

          "Okay. Hurry up and eat. I'll go make you a bubble bath." I nodded and started on my breakfast. It was delicious. Everything tasted so fresh. The blood was too cold though. I'd have to show her her how I like my blood if it's not fresh. When I finished, she took the tray downstairs while I got into the tub. She used strawberry scented bubble bath. I loved strawberries. She soon came back with my clothes and My Little Pony towel. "Are you finished Lily Annabelle Cullen?"

          I gasped. "How did you know?"

          "Aro sent your new information and it came in a moment ago. You are now officially a Cullen. What do you think?"

          "I think we should get moving. We have a very big day ahead of us. I love you mommy." I think I just made her day.

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