Chapter 5: A Good Day Plus Two More

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(Lily's POV)

          I arrived twenty minutes before noon so I sent Edward a text message. Although I'm pretty sure he he doesn't have my number. I'm such a silly goose.

Edward. I want to go by the bookstore in the plaza after lunch. I need some new reading material. Also, I beat you here. I love you.

                                                                                                                                                           ~Volturi Princess

          I had a vision that by the time he figures out who it is, he will already be here. I climbed up my tree to sit and wait. I was trying to catch a butterfly when I heard running feet. Just as he got to my tree he put his phone away. I giggled at his silliness. "Are you really that slow minded? But then again, I do calculate things faster than a regular vampire. Oh well. I still love you though I am superior." He looked stunned.

          "I brought a blanket in case you want to lie in the grass." He laid it out. I hopped out of my tree and landed on his back. He started to laugh when I giggled. It was just like with Marcus. Aro says I have the same talent as his dead mate. At least one of my talents can make him happy. "So what's with the hair color change? What is your true hair color anyway? Also, how did you get my number?"

         "I had to change my hair color because to the humans around here, I'm a blond. My true hair color is pink. I'm also a mind reader. Plus when I ran into Alice and Jasper last night, I read Jasper's mind. It was pretty easy. I got all the information I needed out of his head. Even details from the day he was born! It was pretty awesome. Except when it came to his and Alice's sex life." He laughed at my disgusted face.

          "Try dealing with Rosalie and Emmett in their room and you're downstairs in the living room. Plus being a mind reader." I read his mind and decided that when that happens, Edward and I could go to his meadow. "What are you exactly?"

           "I'm part vampire, werewolf, and something else that gives me extra magical abilities. We're not sure what that third part is. We figured out the wolf part because I phased a lot when I was a baby. The vampire part  was pretty obvious with the super noticeable fangs. Plus when the brothers found me, I had just drank some blood out of a human that had found me. By the way, can you go into my bag and get my Tweety thermos? I didn't really eat much this morning."

           "Okay. What's in it? Soup?" I shook my head as he passed it to me. He was about to ask if it was chowder until I opened it. "Human blood." He said it like it disgusted him that I drink it. I backed away from him. I was scared of what he might do. Plus his emotions were terrifying. He looked like he wanted to rip it away from me. His face then turned soft. "What's wrong?" I jumped into my tree when he moved towards me. I took a few sips before I answered him.

           "Your emotions scared me. You are disgusted that I would even bring it around you. Believe me, I tried your families diet before. I did it behind Aro's back. That's why he is so protective of me. It made me really sick. As a result, I was in a coma for six months. My body wasn't strong enough for me to heal fast while awake. When I woke up, Aro, Marcus, and Caius told me to never do that again. Everyone was so worried about me."

           "I'm sorry. I can't read your mind all that well. You block it a lot. Please forgive me my love. I never meant to scare you. Please come down." I finished my blood and then came down. He went back in my bag and pulled out my five sandwiches. I was still a little hungry. We sat and talked for a while. Then we packed up everything and left for the bookstore. I felt like we were being watched but I completely ignored it.

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