Chapter 21: The Truth and Some Battles

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(Lily's POV)

I was still upset over what Victoria said. Even more that mommy apologized to me. She apologized for sending Edward after me and apologized for yelling at me when I first yelled at Victoria. I apologized for running off and breaking all the light bulbs even though I couldn't control that. We hugged while the others watch the movie Frozen. I wasn't too interested in it while my mommy wasn't feeling her best. Victoria was way out of line and if it wasn't for the fact that they were humans as well, I would have charged at her and killed her without a second thought. After the movie went off, I sent James and Laurent to go do things with Edward while me and Kavina are going to do things in my room. When we got there, I began pulling out nail polishes so we could do our nails.

"I'm going to be very blunt when I ask this but are you a witch?" I paused and turned around to face Kavina. I was startled but also confused by her question. But she was right to say that her question was very blunt.

"A what?" I wasn't sure what she was talking about or were this even came from exactly.

"A witch. I know that what happened with the light bulbs isn't just some random thing that happens to multiple let alone all of the light bulbs. Plus the way that the lights brightened around you when you were angry at Victoria was also un-ordinary as well. Those are things that happen around witch's who aren't trained on how to control there magic." I wonder where she got this information from let alone how she still managed to connect those things to me at all. So I asked as much. 

"How would you know so much about those type of things. You're a human too." She smirked at me like a cat that ate the canary and was proud of it. I know I had a very worried expression on my face because I knew that the things that happened were my fault. I just didn't expect anyone who was human to pick up on it. Humans aren't that good at figuring things like this out. Especially things that seem straight out of science fiction.

"Because I come from a family of witch's. Why do you think I'm a year older than all the other kindergartner's besides you and James since you both are three? I had to start late just so my mommy and daddy knew for sure that I wouldn't expose us." I felt understanding dawn on me. I wonder how we never figured that out. It seemed so simple.

"So that's the third thing that I'm mixed with. A witch." I spoke in a low voice almost as if to only talk to myself. But Kavina heard it regardless of how low I spoke.

"What do you mean third thing?" I looked at her afraid. Afraid of how she would react to my truths. I took a deep breath and let it go. I decided to show her in my way. But I should warn her first so she doesn't freak out.

"Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm just gonna show you some of my memories, okay?" She nodded slowly probably unsure of how I was going to show her. I walked up to her keeping eye contact with her the entire time and placed my hand on her cheek. Suddenly, a wave of images flooded my mind and in turn flowed into her mind. I was two months old when I first remembered anything. I was wondering who I was. I wondered around in the woods for a while. I kept wondering around until I tripped over a tree root and then started crying. Someone had heard me and ran to see who was crying and if they needed help. I was the middle of a forest after all.

"Are you hurt?" It was another person. It was a normal human. I stopped crying when he picked me up. But it was only because of a burning sensation that flared up in my throat. It was a smell that I couldn't resist that was the cause of the burn. Four of my teeth started to grow longer. They were super sharp. Without thinking, I bit into the poor guys neck. I drank until I was full. When I stood back up, I sensed that someone was watching me. I turned around curious of who it could be. It was another man. But this one was very pale with black hair slicked back and he was wearing a black cloak that was red on the inside.

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