Chapter 37: Sleepover

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(Lily's POV)

I was excited for school to end. I was wiggling in my seat all day. My teachers would look at me and smile. They were all just happy that I was looking inthusiastic about something. I never realized how bored I looked in class. This sleepover is going to be way better than last time. Kavina is the only one who had to go home first because her parents needed to have a conversation with her before she comes over. Based on what I'd seen in my vision, she's about to be a big sister and her mom just got the result's this morning. I was excited for her but couldn't tell her yet.

The final bell finally rang and I jumped out of my seat. I waited by the door of the classroom for James, Laurent, and Kavina to catch up with me. They were chuckling at my eagerness.

"Hey Laurent. Doesn't she remind you of an eager puppy?" I stopped my wiggling and glared playfully at Kavina. I knew what she was getting at.

"Hey Kavina. What is it that your parents want to talk with you about?" I said it with a smirk on my face so she knew that I know something she doesn't know. Her smirk dropped off of her face.

"You little rat! Nothing is sacred with you. Tell me what it is, right now!"

"You'll have to catch me first." I began running down the hall with Kavina chasing after me. I kept my pace like a human child but stayed faster than Kavina. Once we made it out of the school building, she chased me around outside for a bit until we heard a car horn honk. We both stopped to look and see both Kavina's mom and Esme parked in the pickup spot. We gave each other a hug and went to our separate cars. Esme had come to pick us up in the minivan since there were so many of us. We wouldn't all fit in Edward's Volvo. As we all piled into the minivan, I began thinking of how we set up the house. Alice bought an indoor kids tent that was set up in the living room. We pushed all the couches to one side of the room to leave an open enough space for the tent and activities.

"What are we going to do first Lily?" I turned to look at Victoria.

"We're going to get settled in while we wait for Kavina. She isn't going to be long. Her parents just have something they want to tell her together. I need to have my after school snack and my mommy made snacks for everyone." They all cheered since Victoria, James, and Laurent had Esme's cooking before. Delilah was excited because she heard about Esme's cooking from Kavina and sees that I don't eat much cafeteria food. She was excited to eat this food from "the mom goddess" as they called Esme. "I also need to do my exercises for the afternoon. I have gymnastics on Sunday so I need to do my stretches and practice my routine."

"You sure do keep busy for six. Weren't you in ballet?" I nodded at James.

"I still am. But I wanted to do something else too. Ballet is only every Saturday so I had time to pick up another extracurricular. I do apologizefor having to leave out for an hour tomorrow for practicebut we could always see if they will let you all watch but you would have to be quiet while we all practice."

"Cool. I've been begging for my mom to let me do an extracurricular. She's just worried about how I would get there and home since none of my adopted siblings drive yet. And she travels a lot for work so she wouldn't always be there to provide me with transportation."

"You can try having her connect with Kavina's parents. Kavina's mom is a stay at home mom like mine. She might be able to help you and your mom out." Delilah blushed lightly.

"M-maybe." She stuttered. It was kinda cute. I smiled at her and turned back around in my seat. At some point after leaving the school parking lot, Edward began driving behind us. I could feel his presence as well as hear his thoughts. I giggled at him. He was a bit sulky that I chose to ride with my friends instead of him. He hadn't seen me last night or this morning since I sent him away to hunt before the weekend came. As soon as Esme stopped the minivan in the garage, Edward was right by my door. I smiled and waved at him. I heard him sigh internally. After he opened the door, I jumped at him to give a hug and kiss on the cheek.

Lily Annabelle Cullen: A What If StoryWhere stories live. Discover now