Chapter 11: Something To Talk About

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(Edward's POV)

          After Lily's lunch, Alice, upon Lily's request, Esme, and Lily left to go pick out some outdoor play sets and outdoor toys. I stayed behind to monitor Emmett as he  cleaned up the glass and fixed Lily's window. Carlisle stood outside in the garden to watch him clean up the glass out there. He finished before they got back. I was going to take Lily upstairs for her nap but was stopped.

          "Edward, can you, Emmett, and Jasper put the jungle gyms together?" As much as I would love to put Lily down for her nap so that my face would be the last thing she sees before dreaming, I could not deny a request from Esme. But something seemed strange. Lily hadn't objected and she wasn't coming out of Esme's arms. She was curled up with her face hiding in Esme's shoulder. I nodded and before I could say anything Esme dashed upstairs. I looked over to Alice.

          "What happened?" She just shook her head and walked away. I began to worry. What if something was wrong with Lily? Or what if she simply wished not to be with me and my family anymore? I tried to read their minds but Alice was singing Barbie Girl over and over in her head in multiple languages, Esme was  thinking about remodeling the house again, and Lily was blocking me. It was driving me crazy!

          "Stop worrying so much Edward. Lily will be fine. She probably just needs a mother figure right now. She did grow up without a true mother figure in her life. Give her some time. When she is ready, she will confide in you."

          "You are right Jasper. Come on. Let's get this done." By the time we were done, it was almost time for Lily's nap to end. We would have been done sooner if we didn't have to help Emmett. He had no clue what he was doing. But when we came back inside, she was already up eating a snack while sitting in Esme's lap. I guess Jasper was right. Maybe she really just needed a mother figure. I walked over to my piano and began to play a soothing melody. As I began to play, I heard Lily stiffen. I played with emotions that I usually kept hidden. Hidden so well that even Jasper couldn't pick up on them. I played for a while until I felt Lily grab at my shirttail. I looked down at her and saw that she had tears streaming down the sides of her face.

          "Don't you ever feel like that ever again!" She yelled at me. "If you ever feel like that again, I will kill you myself! I will kill you a thousand times over, and then even more! I will keep killing you until you realize how much of a fool you are to ever let such feelings cloud your beautiful and creative and inspiring mind you idiot!" She was crying very hard by the end of her rant. I picked up my beautiful Lily and hugged her. I grabbed a tissue from the tissue box that Jasper brought over to us and used it wipe her face and have her blow her nose.

          "Fell better now?" She nodded. She had the hiccups after she had finally calmed down. She stayed wrapped in my arms until she pulled back enough to see into my eyes.

          "I'm sorry Eddie. I didn't mean to shut you out like that. I just miss home is all. I've never been away from Aro for longer than a few hours. Even when he traveled, I went to. I just had to stay in a hotel room or somewhere out of sight. I didn't mean to make you feel that I didn't love you anymore or that I didn't want to be here anymore. But always remember, no matter what happens, I'll always love you and always want you." I hugged her now knowing that Jasper really was right. I wonder how he knew? Later that night after Lily had gone to bed, I went to go talk to Jasper. He was in Carlisle's library.

          "Jasper. Can I talk to you?" He put the book he was reading down and sat up straight.


          "How did you know that Lily just needed her mother figure and that she wasn't wanting to leave us?"

          "I don't know. I wasn't able to feel her emotions per say. It was more like she was speaking to me without actually speaking to me. It was different from how I would normally feel how someone is feeling. I don't understand how to fully explain it. Just know this. She may seem thousand's of years older than some of us. But she is still just a little girl. Her knowledge is way beyond her physical looks, but deep down, she still is just a three year old. She needs time to adjust. Maybe on our next break, you can take her home so she can see her family for a while."

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