Chapter 1: Summer Time Trip

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(Edward's POV)

I was sitting in my room reading "To Kill A Mocking Bird" when Alice came in bouncing like crazy. I already knew what she was going to say but she still felt the need to speak. I love my little sister but she can be so annoying sometimes.

"Guess what Carlisle and Esme just agreed for you, me, and Jasper to do for the rest of summer?" Before I could even speak, she kept on talking. "They said we can go to Italy. As long as we don't draw attention to ourselves. Carlisle is letting Aro know that we will only be shopping there. We leave tomorrow morning. No excuses." She was so annoying but no one ever goes against what Alice says.

"Fine." She bounced out of my room going to annoy someone else I hope. Rosalie and Emmett have already gone to their house in Louisiana to spend some quality time together before Alice takes over to start planning their next wedding. That will leave Carlisle and Esme with the house to themselves.

I soon decided to start packing. The last thing I need is for Alice to pack for me. "I'm not that bad Edward." She was in her room so she must have forseen my thoughts. Stupid, annoying, psychic pixie. She giggled at my frustration. While packing, I listened to Debussy. Some times I'm really listening and other times, I just let my mind wonder. I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize that Carlisle was standing at my door calling me.

"Edward? Son? Are you alright?" I nodded my head at him.

"Yeah. Just a little too deep in thought. You needed something?"

"Yes. Aro is hiding something, I think. He knows that you all will only be hunting animals but he still said that he wanted you three to stay out of the woods and the park in Volterra during the day and in the early evening. I ask that you abide by his request so we can keep the peace."

"I will Carlisle. Besides, if memory serves me right, I do remember you did say that they really didn't have many good animals to offer anyway."

He chuckled. "Well, yes. I guess that I did say that. I just wanted to reiderate my concerns. Now you better hurry. Your plane leaves in two hours. You don't want Alice to come up here do you?" As if on cue.

"Edward Anthony Mason Cullen! Hurry up and get your ass down here!" Carlisle walked out chuckling. In his head, he was saying 'I told you so' over and over again. I quickly packed the rest of my things and ran downstairs. "Yay! Finally! Esme already has the car packed and she is ready to drive us to the airport."

We left and I was wondering if things will be fine with Jasper coming with us. Suddenly, Alice was in a vision. Unfortunately it was slightly blurry. It was about me. I was running through the forest after something. Or maybe it was someone. Either way, it was headed towards the secret entrance to the Volturi's castle. And that was the end of the vision. We both looked at each other for a little while. Jasper sensed the tension and sent little waves of calm to us.

Alice decided not to dwell on it since it didn't look like I was in danger. I still pondered it though. 'Edward. Don't over think it. As long as you stay away from that area, you will be fine.' She was right. At least through her thoughts. I nodded at my favorite little sister. We soon arrived at the airport. My mother for all intents and purposes, Esme, looked close to tears. If she could, she would cry. I love her very much.

"Have fun kids. And behave. Alice, don't go overboard. At least not without giving me a heads up so I can renovate to make some extra space. Jasper, watch her. Edward, try to have fun. I love you all. Come home to me safely." We all gave her a hug and boarded the plane. I just couldn't shake the feeling that I was going to come back with more than I bargained for. And it won't just be what I get from Alice's shopping spree.

During the flight, I listened to my ipod so I could atempt to block out people's thoughts. Flight attendents periodically came over to his seats but we constantly refused things. Soon we got annoyed with it so we would pretend to be sleep when I or Alice signaled that one was coming. When we land, we will go check in and then split up for a while. I planned on giving Alice and Jasper a little space. I hope I don't regrete doing that later. 'Relax Edward. We will be fine. I can see it.' Alice was annoying but she knew how to make me stop worrying.

(Aro's POV)

I was in my study when my phone started to ring. "Hello Aro. I would like to let you know that Edward, Alice, and Jasper are coming to Italy to shop for part of the summer."

"Okay. I just ask that you instruct them to stay out of the forest's in Volterra during the day and the early parts of the evening. Other than that, I wish them a safe travel."

"Alright. Have a good evening Aro."

"And the same too you, Carlisle." I hung up. I know Carlisle will find my request odd but, I must protect Ashlyne. "Jane. Please go let Ashlyne know she can not go out during the day for the rest of the summer. If she has any questions, tell her to come to me."

"Yes master." Jane is one of my most trusted guard out of all of them to take care of Ashlyne. Ashlyne is the name I gave her because when we found the young one, she did not remember her name. She is very special though. She is special to all of us. While she is part vampire, she is also part wolf along with something else. Blood runs through her vains but as slowly as her heart beat. She has a very slow heart beat. She is as pale as a vampire but slightly warmer than one. She looks to be about five but she is only three. She is a very cute little girl. She has a lot of special powers. She has all the same ones vampires get and more. She eats human food, but mostly only meats. She also drinks blood. Her eyes are emerald green. The only time her eyes are red or black is when she is angry. She is our unknown Volturi princess.

"Great grandpa Aro!" She came running in with tears running down her face. "Is what aunt Jane said true? Do I really have to stay inside all day? You do realize that it will be a rare occasion for them to come out during the daylight hours due to the sun right?"

"Unfortunately, yes sweetheart. You remember what happened to that nomad that saw you right?" She nodded. We had to kill him. Ashlyne wasn't happy about it, but she did understand. We gave him a choice. He could have lived if he had choose to join us. "Now stop crying. I have something for you." She perked up.

"Oh! What is it? Give it to me." I pulled out a new stuffed bunny. She squealed with excitment. "Thank you great grandpa Aro! Thank you!" She looked lost in thought for a moment. "I have decided on my name." She wanted to change her name to something she liked. Of course I allowed her to. "My name is now Lily."

"Wonderful! Princess Lily. Will you be running alone tonight." She took a moment to ponder this.

"Yes. I know, I know. Don't forget you Volturi cloak and creast. Wear something that matches my black and white tennis shoes. I plan on wearing black stockings with pink and baby blue poka dots, a baby blue tutu, and a pink butterfly shirt. Is that everything?" She likes the fact that she can read minds.

"Yes. Just be back by three in the morning if you decide to stay out late, okay?" She nodded and left. She never blocks me from her thoughts but when I was holding her, I couldn't hear a thing. I wonder what she is up to.

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