Chapter 24: Halloween Party

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(Lily's POV)

When everyone else came back home, Alice and Rosalie kidnapped me immediately and kept me from Edward for some time to get me ready. Edward was going to come with me to the Halloween party to make sure I was really okay. None of us had a clue as to why I was asleep for so long. It was weird. "Alright Lily. You are all done." I looked in the mirror Rosalie brought over to me and I was amazed. Alice had instructed me to turn my hair white and it had been straightened and had a metallic shine to it. I was also wearing a red velvet ball gown with gold lace trim and a golden calla lily on the skirt of the dress. It was old looking but very elegant. The color of my skin was already pale but I seemed almost paler. My tinge of blush that was usually visible was gone. My eyes seemed bigger somehow as well. "I have to step out to fix up Edward now. Don't move."

"I won't." Alice nodded and left. I wonder how Edward is gonna look. I refused to peek and see. I wanna be surprised.

"Did you have some blood before we got home Lily?" I nodded.

"I did. Sometime after I woke up. Mommy Esme warmed me up some and I drank it all. Surprisingly I wasn't thirstier. Maybe I don't have to have blood everyday."

"Have you ever tried before?"

"Nope. Everyone in the Volturi was always worried about my health so I had some everyday. They didn't give me a lot everyday but they didn't take many risks about it. Especially when I was healing from my little experiment."

"How did you decide to try that? I don't think any of us have asked you that directly." She was right. Not even the Volturi asked me why I tried it.

"Well, I got curious about it one night when Aro was sitting with me while I was eating my dinner. I was having a rare steak with a roasted potato and raw sugar snap peas. The blood from the steak had dripped down my face a little and Aro had went to wipe my face. While he was doing so, he thought about Carlisle and how his coven were animal blood drinkers. He was just happy that I wasn't that way. I had never knew that there was another way to live as a vampire. I was intrigued by it and wanted to try it for myself. I began the next day and lasted for a whole month."

"How did you get away with it for so long without someone noticing?"

"I wasn't drinking it with them near. I went out everyday, using my abilities to my advantage. I could drain people of their blood with my magic. I would knock them out, make a small puncture wound, and draw the blood out while placing it in a jar to refrigerate. Then I would cover the puncture with my own bite mark and then go hunt an animal. After about three weeks of doing that everyday, I soon became too weak to do the cover up portion. So I began to say that I was hunting in other places, using my teleportation ability. But I passed out, extremely weak at the end of the month. I was walking with Felix so he was the first to know."

"Wow. That had to have been hard on them." I looked up at Rosalie confused. How could it have been hard for them? She understood the look on my face and begun explaining. "Think of it like this. You really love Edward, right?" I nodded. "How would you feel if you and Edward changed places. You were the vampire and he was the hybrid and he did what you did and the same thing happened to him instead of you? Or if it happened to Jasper?" I realized what she meant after that. I had scared them but they all cared a lot for me. It wasn't all fear and control. There was a familial love there. "And even though it pains me to say this but poor Felix had it the worst since he witnessed you passing out sick."

"Oh." I looked back down at my hands. I guess now I can see the whole picture. I would be full of panic and would be scared out of my mind too. "I guess I can see what you mean." She smiled at me, then came over to me and gave me a kiss on my forehead before walking out, inadvertently leaving me with my thoughts. And the voices...

Lily Annabelle Cullen: A What If StoryWhere stories live. Discover now