Chapter 17: First Day of School (Part 1)

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(Lily's POV)

Me and James had hung out some more over the remainder of the summer but the last two weeks I spent exclusively with Edward. We took a vacation to Paris, France. We had visited the Eiffel Tower, art museums, the library, and the catacombs as a later thought. I had a small breakdown in there but Edward helped me cover it up. One of my many talents was communicating the emotions and thoughts of the dead. I was still learning how to control that power. I really wanted to go down there to learn more about what had happen but I didn't think about the dead souls that would still be down lingering there. But besides our trip to the catacombs, we had a really great time. We made it home late the night before school starts and Esme scolded us for returning home so late. Emmett thought it was funny so I zapped him. I got in trouble for doing so. I also tried to get Jane and Alec to come but they had an important job to do with some of the other guard members and of course the brothers. I was a little pouty over it but I knew that the work they did with governing the vampire world came first before a lot of personal situations.

"Wake up Lily. It's time to get ready for your first day of school." I rubbed my eyes a little and slowly opened them to see Edward sitting on the side of my bed. I held out my arms for him to pick me up. He did and hugged me. "Good morning my heart."

"Good morning my love."

"GOOD MORNING LILY! TIME TO GET READY FOR SCHOOL!" I groaned a bit. Alice and I had began to bond a bit more and I recently discovered why everyone tried to avoid special events. She literally had bought a whole wardrobe full of outfit idea's for the first day of school despite the fact that I had already been brought shopping when I first moved here. Edward just chuckled, gave me a kiss, and left while Alice came in.

"I know you know I can hear you if you whisper. And I also know that you knew that I was awake." I grumbled as I climbed out of bed. "So was there really a reason for you to shout like that?"

"No real reason per say. And you also know that you and Edward have a hard time when knowing that it's time to do something other than make goo goo eyes at each other." I folded my arms and pouted knowing that she was right. I went to go take a shower like she instructed while she pulled out my outfit for today. I made sure not to take too long because today would be the first day I would not have blood whenever I want it. So I have to drink at least sixteen ounces this morning just to make it through the whole school day without incident. I really didn't want to bite one of my classmates. "Ready Lily?" I nodded and let her do her thing. I kept my eyes closed and stayed out of her mind so it can all be a surprise to me. She did my hair but did tell me to make it black. After what felt like an eternity, she finally spoke. "Okay. You can open your eyes now." I opened my eyes and I was positioned in front of a mirror. My mouth hung open in amazement. I was wearing a black polo shirt with a collar, a light blue plaid skirt with black tights, and my black baby doll shoes. My hair was held back by a light blue headband and was hanging in waves. While I was busy staring in the mirror, a knock sounded at my door.

"Come in." I turned to see Edward standing looking impressed as well. I knew I was a little cute. The Volturi members would tell me everyday how adorable and cute I was. But this was a whole different level of beauty. He smiled at me and then his face turned defensive. He quickly scooped me up and held me tightly. His mood shifted to deffensive.

"She isn't allowed to leave the house today." Everyone in the house crammed into my room shouting the same question. Why? I knew this was coming. Silly, overprotective mate. "Do you all see how beautiful she is today? I can't let her leave just so others can lust after her."

"Son. She has to go to school. It's her first day. Not only that, she's going to kindergarten. No child thinks like that. You should know that better than any of us." Trust Carlisle to use logic against my deffensive mate.

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