Chapter 10: Creepy Creep Girl

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(Edward's POV)

          After a few rounds of hide-and-seek, she got tired and hungry. I drove her home and Esme had her dinner ready. She bathed and came downstairs to do something with me after eating. We settled for watching The Sound of Music. Around the end of the movie was when Rose and Emmett came in. They were early getting home. "Rosie!" Lily jumped up and ran to her. Rosalie was shocked. "Hi God mommy Rosie! I missed you so much." She hugged Rosalie while she spoke. Rosalie's thoughts were a jumble.

          "Edward?" She looked panicked. I pointed towards Lily hoping she would get the idea. Do what comes naturally. She looked down at Lily and smiled a little. Lily touched her face and Rose seemed to relax some. "Hi sweetie." Rose was a little disappointed that she was God Mommy  but she was still happy to be a mom of sorts. Lily yawned and rubbed her eyes.

          "Can everyone come into the living room please?" Emmett, Rose, and I were already out here. Carlisle and Esme came downstairs. "As some of you know, I went on the reservation today." I felt my jaw tighten at the thought of her being anywhere near those mutts. "Sam wants me to come back tomorrow to explain my existence. Though I'm not quite how to explain how I became. But anyway, I'm going to lead him and Paul to the border. You guys will wait on your side of the treaty line. Edward, you will wait beside Esme and Carlisle so that when I jump over, I can land in your arms immediately. I'll join you all after I get them. Is that okay?" We all nodded. "Good. Rosie. Can you take me to bed now? I'm sleepy." Rosalie's face lit up. She nodded and took her upstairs. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

(Lily's POV)

          When I awoke the next morning, my cell phone was ringing.  I knew it was Marcus based on the vision I had before going to sleep. I knew every aspect of what was about to happen in this phone call. "Good morning great-grandpa Marcus. What may I owe the pleasure of this phone call for?" He likes it when I talk funny.

          "Good morrow young Princess. How was your day yesterday?"

          "Fine. Is Aro still sulking?" Yesterday Cauis called instead of Aro. And now Marcus is calling. Not that I don't want to talk to them. Either way, Aro has been sad since I left. Jane, Alec, Demetri, and Felix have been texting me begging me to come back to him. I guess he really was attached to me.

          "Yes." And here it comes again. "Please come back to us. It is not the same without you here with us."


          "Was that Jane?"

          "Shocking, is it not? She has been in a slightly foul mood since you left with the Cullen's. We need you to change her back to her mellow self."

          "Send her here with Alec in about a week. I'm working on a few things right now."

          "Alright. Until next time, young Princess."

          "Until next time." After I hung up, I sighed and rolled. I opened my eyes and saw Emmett there watching me while laying down on my bed. I screamed so loud that my windows broke. I wondered how missed him there. My door flew open and Edward stood there. I jumped into his arms.

          "Emmett! We told you to bring her down for breakfast! Not scare the hell out of her! Now her window is shattered. You will fix it before her nap and before you do anything else."

          "You're not my father."

          "But I am." Carlisle walked in. "Plus you clean the shattered glass out of her carpet and Esme's garden. No more stopping Lily's heart." I hadn't even realized that my heart had stopped. Strange how I didn't even notice. "Will you be alright Lily?" I nodded speechless. The way Aro described them, it was like they were dirty and uncivilized. Maybe some of them were at least uncivilized but I think I can manage. At least I hope I can. I hopped out of Edward's arms and ran up to Emmett. He jumped was about to say something but Carlisle told him to keep quiet.

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