Little Hints

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He was working tirelessly on the garage fuming for not realizing what was happening before. The guy in the mask that he and Baymax saw earlier was using the microbots he invented but, how? They were supposedly destroyed on the fire. Then realization, the fire...

"He created the fire! He killed Tadashi! We just have to find him again with the microbot on the petri dish" He drifted here and there trying to multitask as best as he could, while Baymax watched intently at what the human was doing until he stopped. The previous feeling of despair when the message was sent vanished completely. He left the two cups of coffee and the packet of cookies at the table.

"Now I just need to upgrade you!" Hiro said with a grin on his face having a fixed look at the marshmallow like robot. He dragged the robot to the door of the garage.

"Stand here!" The robot did as was told.

"Now extend your arms" again, the robot obeyed.

"Let's begin" Hiro grabbed a 3D scanner to have the full body of Baymax digitally transferred to the screen of his computer. Hiro skillfully designed carbon fiber armor and created a Martial arts chip, quickly assembled everything and looked at the robot with huge smile.

"I'm afraid this armor conceals my adorable appearance" Said the robot with clear concern in his voice.

"That's the point!" Said Hiro jumping from his seat and started a diagnostic test on the robot to ensure the armor was well placed.

"And I don't see how Karate will make me a better Health Companion"

After issuing commands to the robot and testing the fighting capabilities given by the chip, he was finally ready to catch the responsible of the fire. "Now let's head back to that warehouse"

The warehouse... The place when he first saw a man dressed completely in black and wearing a white with red stripes mask and the most important thing, the microbots...They walked for what looked like an eternity as anxiousness threatened to take Hiro over, but one thing was certain, they never realized that a white van was following them.

Finally, they arrived and with a kick, Baymax easily broke through the wooden door.

"It's all yours Baymax!" Hiro Yelled at the top of his lungs, but nothing. The Warehouse was deserted, with sadness in the eyes he tucked his hands on the pockets of his hoodie disappointed.


He tried to find every possible way to insult himself, how could Gogo love something like this? Wait, What? This is the second time! What is happening?

He drifted in his mind and unconsciously started to think of that girl that drifted in his dreams, her purple streaks, the brown eyes, and her famous "Woman up" quote. He chuckled at the image and had a smile. Suddenly he was stopped in his tracks by the robot. It took some time for our hero to realize they have arrived at the harbor.

"You have to wait 45 minutes after eating if you want to swim." Baymax said while he grabbed the kid and let him go once the kid was beside him. Both soon realized that the little robot was freaking out inside the glass cage and by the force; it escaped from Hiro's grip. Hiro tried to grab the little robot but the attempt was futile.

Why the harbor? Where is that thing going? And by some force of luck he realized something was moving.

"Quick! Move!" he said in a hushed voice while pushing Baymax out of the way and he amazed at how light the robot was, even with his armor. As the dock was full of empty containers it was easy for them to find concealment.

"Ok Baymax...get ready" they were going to move out when two flashlights illuminated the robot and the kid.

"Am...Hiro? What are you doing?" That voice... If the girl wasn't willing to kill him because he woke her up at this time, then she would definitely send him to hell for this.


She was sitting in front of the van while Wasabi both, skillfully and furtively drove through the city to avoid being detected by the boy and the man or whatever that thing was. The van was completely silent. Not a word came out of their mouths for they feared that one word might give away their position and therefore blow the cover. Here and there, they felt like they traveled the whole city two times after stopping.


"Why would Hiro come to the dock at this time?" Honey Lemon asked but the others were not paying attention.

"Look, look, look!" said Gogo trying to get everyone's attention, but what they saw was a complete different story. They saw Hiro running for cover.

"What is he hiding from?" Fred asked

"We better move out!" a far more concerned Gogo tried to hurry Wasabi so she could get closer to him and know what the hell was happening. It took a couple of seconds for Wasabi to understand what Gogo wanted to do. He hurriedly turned on the van and, with the lights turned off, he got closer to the boy.

Hiro why are you doing this? What is happening? Please, I want to know. Let me help you. I want to make you feel special! Hahahaha What??? Gogo, Woman Up! He is four years younger than you. You can't be with him...! What? She had to shake her head to come back to this world. What was that? It was the first time those thoughts roamed through her head. This couldn't be possible as she convinced herself that it was just worry. Returning to the actual work, she realized they were closer to him.

Wasabi quickly turned on the lights so everybody was able to see what was happening, but they were shocked. Hiro's companion wasn't a man, it was Baymax! They all got out of the car and stared intently and the young man

"Am Hiro? ...What are you doing?"

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