Truth Has Been Spoken

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"HIRO... HIROOOOO!" Dammit not again!

She woke up on her room gagging, gasping for air, ice cold sweat was running down her cheek as if she suddenly was back at the bottom of the bay trapped in the car struggling to get free after he gifted those valuable seconds when he kissed her. After that night she kept having nightmares about Hiro dying, it was unbearable. It has been weeks, they were teammates now, who would have thought that night would end up leading them to a superhero's life.

Seeing that the sun was already up, she turned to her side and glanced at the clock on her desk.

"ELEVEN THIRTY!! GOD I OVERSLEPT!" She jumped from her bed and took a shower as fast as she could. I won't wear makeup today! It's too late! She was hungry, stressed, running here and there making sure she had all her supplies for the bike project at the SFIT. She felt something was missing but time was against her. She quickly grabbed her helmet and her favorite leather jacket and took off on her bicycle as fast as she could, she was really, REALLY, late, and those nightmares were not helping her. The need to wake up every time the memory was unbearable leaved her with no sleep at all, and today without her makeup everybody will be able to notice the bags under her eyes.

It's been almost three weeks since that day! Why I just can't forget it! I almost lost him that night! He saved my life... oh Hiro... Why do I feel like this? He is four years younger than me, shorter than me, childish... She tried to search every possible flaw on the "kid" to convince herself that she was not in love with him, and so she trailed of, discussing with herself.

Since the "accident" on the car she was able to tell how much he cared for her, and the proof of it was on her outfit after the upgrade. He applied two layers for armor to her chest plate and reinforced her helmet. Although it was heavier and affected her speed she was grateful of being more protected from any kind of harm directed to her heart.

Once she arrived at the SFIT she started to run to her lab but she wasn't ready of what would come next. She was about to open the door but she heard Hiro shout something, so she decided to eavesdrop the conversation that he was having. Obviously the lab was crowded but somehow her brain trained herself to recognize Hiro's voice from miles away.

"Don't worry pal, she can take care of herself!" That is Fred but, who are they talking about?

"I know she can, but the fact that it's late worries me!" That was Hiro! And they are talking about... Me? Why?

"You love her don't you?" Fred asked again which only made Gogo blush fiercely and gasped at the question.

She quickly put a hand on her mound trying to muffle the sound coming from her mouth. She didn't wanted to be discovered... Not yet.

"JUST... Don't tell anybody ok! Can I trust you?" He said it! He really loves me! She wanted to jump but... But I can't be with him! No way! Come on Gogo just act normal, just don' give him hopes. She walked through the entrance "Hello guys! Sorry I'm late! How are..."


Where the heck is she? It's way too late! She has never been this late, like NEVER! What if something happened to her? What if someone discovered her secret identity? Oh God... HIRO Calm down!

"Hey Freddy! What time is it?" Hiro asked with a rather concerned voice.

"Dude, it's the fifth time you've asked! What's up with you?" He took a glance at his golden Rolex

"Man... Five minutes ago you asked! It's 11:30 AM!" Fred was clearly annoyed but the look on Hiro's face was a whole different story, he was worried sick. So he took a glance to the lab. Everyone was there, HL (AN: Please remember that HL is for Honey Lemon... Kind of obvious but her name is to long) was working on her metal thing and Wasabi was working on his plasma rays. Gogo was nowhere to be seen. Hehehe now I know.

"Ooooh... I know why you are nervous" He made a devious look to Hiro

"You miss someone don't you? And... You know... there is only one person missing!" The teasing part was working. The boy that was standing in front of him blushed furiously.

"YES I KNOW!!..." He raised his voice a little

"I'm nervous because she is late, you know she never comes late when it's about a work on her bicycle" Hiro tried to argue but...

"You know, I never mentioned HER... I was just saying" He laughed... it worked, the boy now realized what he said, and the blush on his face wasn't helping

"AAAAND... Today is her birthday remember?"

"You have a point there. Don't worry pal, she can take care of herself!" Fred tried to comfort his little brother and stopped the teasing. This time now that Hiro told him he was a little worried to. It's her birthday after all... Oh I know, I will talk with my uncle, he definitely will accept us for his exclusive opening, it will be great. He smiled inside now that he had a gift for her.

"I know she can, but the fact that it's late worries me!" He blushed fiercely at the thought of her. Oh man, if she comes up right now and look at me like this! He took a glance at the door hoping the Asian girl will come up but nothing happened. He turned back looking at the ground with a sad expression blasted on his face.

"You love her don't you?" Fred asked, it was clearly that his bro was more than worried and he was right. He was able to notice that the blush was back on his cheeks but also grief. What was going on the boy's head was a mystery.

A weird noise came from the door, which made Hiro turn back and look at the door clearly looking for someone but he regretted his actions almost instantly, this gave away the answer that Fred asked.

"JUST... Don't tell anybody ok! Can I trust you?" He said a little bit worried.

"Yeah man, don't worry! Your secret is safe within me!"

"Hello guys! Sorry I'm late! How are..." It's Gogo! Oh my GOD! SHE'S HERE!


"GOGO!" He yelled interrupting her and ran into her giving a really tight hug, she was baffled, excited, she forced herself to stay calm. He's hugging me! Hug him back!... What? No!... Keep it together girl

She lowered her head and took a glance at him. He is so cute! He loves me! But she just couldn't or well... not him.

"Aaaamm... Hiro! pst Hiro!... HIRO!" she raised her voice as Hiro snapped back to reality. It took a while for him to realize what he was doing.

"Oh... erm... sorry I... I... I guess I was too excited" He put a hand behind his neck as a sign of embarrassment while all the lab was looking at them.

"You had me worried for three hours you know? THREE HOURS! I tried to call you but never answered." She quickly took a look through her phone and indeed, the screen read 10 lost calls from him.

"Sorry I guess I never checked my phone!" Of course you didn't check your phone duh! Apparently he read her mind.

"You don't say! But I'm glad you are with us! (With me) and Happy birthday!" He tiptoed and gave her a peck on her cheek. She was red!

He truly loves me!

What am I gonna do...?

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