A Letter

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Chapter 26: A letter

3 days later...


"I'm sorry Hiro... but I have to go!"

"No please! What am I going to do if you are not here?"

"Don't give up..." the words were heard more like a whisper.

"Akage wait!" The girl started to walk away

"AKAGE!" Hiro woke up in a large white room. The light was blinding him so it took a moment for the boy to regain sight. He went back to his bed and leaned down for a while. He was covered in bandages, his left arm was completely immobilized and his torso was wrapped in several layers of them.

"Whoa...! Slow down boy! You don't want to open your stitches." Hiro got scared by a woman that was sitting beside his bed taking notes and checking the stats showing on the machine. Suddenly his sight cleared completely, the lights installed on the roof were white but the room was another story. The walls were painted in beige, the floor was covered by a brown carpet, and the room was large enough to have a mini living room.

A small table with a glass top was surrounded by two single sofas and another large one which matched the color of the wall. To Hiro's left was the entrance, a large wooden door was blocking the way, and opposite Hiro there was a large window that stretched all along the room with a beautiful sight to the city. They were definitely at the HQ

"You've been here for three days..." the woman was interrupted by the boy.

"Three..." Hiro tried to sit but an acute pain could be felt on his lower chest, with a sigh of defeat, he slumped back on the bed and turned his head left. The woman was giggling at the boy's stubbornness but he was a hero, he is supposed to fight, to never give up until all the options had run down, and he saved her life.

"...argh... Three days?"

"Yes... don't worry, your friends are okay! They will be able to visit you but you need to rest for now. Now, please lean back on the bed please! I need to check your stitches... hopefully you haven't opened them again." The woman stood up and grabbed a pair of latex gloves. Hiro did as requested, wincing in pain but he felt way better than that hell of a night. He felt her cold hands run through his body.

"Oooooh... so cold...! Sorry..." Hiro said while shivering.

"I know... there is no need to apologize, everything is okay with your wound. Please rest, I will inform the rest of the team that you are awake and recovering. They will be allowed to be with you until tomorrow... okay?" The woman sent a death stare at the boy, but Hiro understood very well so he just nodded and fell asleep again.

4 days

Hiro woke to the same room but with a more pleasant feeling. Voices could be heard on the background but he was still waking up. Unfortunately, due to the operation he couldn't move his entire body, only arms and head.

"Is it you guys?" Hiro asked cautiously, he was still trying to get out of the grogginess and couldn't make the owners of the voices.

"HIRO!" Relief flooded through the boy's body. He never thought that listening to the blond girl voice could bring such a relief.

"Honey Lemon... is it you?" Hiro wasn't sure yet, he was too dizzy to know what was actually happening.

"Yes it is me Hiro!" Then a white skinned face with green eyes and blond hair appeared right beside the bed. Hiro unconsciously smiled, swiftly, Fred and Wasabi followed but didn't say a word. They knew that the boy still needed to rest and the noise would not be pleasant. Hiro was delighted but there was something different.

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