You Were Always Perfect

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Hiro was lying on the ground with his eyes closed waiting to vanish from this world but death never came. Those seconds have turned into hours. Everybody stopped for a move could begin a fight and result in collateral damage. Hiro, after spending several seconds without hearing a noise, opened his eyes and saw what really happened.

A fuming hole was right beside his head, presumably, where the bullet hit the ground. The gun that was in Whiplash hands was thrown several meters away and, by turning his head to the left, he could see a yellow disk embedded in the marbled pillar. Hiro let out his breath in relief catching Whiplash attention. The girl, skillfully, unsheathed another gun but the same story happened. Another yellow disk caught the girl by surprise but still... no one dared to move.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM YOU WITCH!" Gogo's yell echoed through the whole room. Silence was the only thing that responded her.

The back was thrashed completely. Papers were flying back and forth due to the air that was coming into the room. Right in front of the building, were a window was previously placed, there was a large armored truck where the thieves were loading the money. What once was the most beautiful bank of the country now was destroyed.

"What if I don't? What are you going to do Tomago? Reject him again?" Whiplash smiled at Gogo who never answered.

"YES! He told me everything, every single detail, every word, every smile..." Whiplash fixed her pose but was still standing beside the boy. "...Poor kid!" Whiplash raised her left leg and placed it over Hiro's chest armor so the boy couldn't move. Gogo's blood was boiling like lava and her heart was breaking down looking at Hiro being held to the ground.

"YOU..." Whiplash said hitting Hiro's chest, even though it never damaged the boy because of the new armor, every smack sent electric waves through Gogo's body. "... You were never enough for him, and that's why he chose me." Hiro was in shock, the words coming from Akage's mouth were full of anger and disgust. "I love you Hiro... I will be here for you!" Whiplash said with Akage's voice. He just couldn't talk! It was the same sweetness but a lie.

"ENOUGH!" Gogo yelled and with a sound that came from her vest, the two disks previously launched came back to her.

With a grunt, the man that was watching over the hostages got up and started walking towards whiplash and stood his ground to her right. The man was taller than Wasabi for almost one foot. His muscles made some of his veins pop out. He was wearing black glasses, leather pants and a white shirt. On the other hand, a smaller, skinny man walked to the left of Whiplash. He was wearing a blue armor but his legs were only covered by pants. One gun was held on each hand and blue glasses that allowed the man to aim better. The three of them stood ready for battle.

"Why are you taking so lo..." A figure stepped down the truck, sound of boots echoed through the building.

"So... it's you! I was starting to wonder when you will show up!" The figure took out his hat and stared at the team.

It was a black woman; she was wearing military boots and a black uniform, on top of that a large beige jacket and black glasses. Her hair was long and brown. Everybody stood their ground, anxiousness on the air, waiting for the first move that will begin the battle.

"How rude of my part... My name is Badgal and they are Gunsmith..." The guy with the blue armor snorted. "Brute..." The muscle man with a hulk complex hissed. "And as you already know..." Badgal said placing a hand over Whiplash shoulder. "She is whiplash." A smile was painted on her face.

"I SAID LET HIM GO!" Gogo yelled with all her strength with her disks ready to be shot again against the girl that had Hiro pinned to the ground, but Whiplash just hit Hiro again on the chest.

"Did you hear her...?" Whiplash said getting closer to Hiro's face. "...She wants me to let you go!" Whiplash got closer. "But we both know..." She pressed a button on the side of Hiro's helmet to lift the protecting glass. "You..." she got even closer with a seductive look. "... Are mine!" She pressed her lips against his which made Gogo's blood boil.

Whiplash started laughing like a maniac. "Let him go... get away from him." Whiplash said with a fair impression of Gogo. "Tell her Hiro..." She glanced at the boy who was staring at her with a pained look. "Tell her I'm better!" Whiplash smiled but Hiro remained silent on the ground, lost and confused. Hiro was obviously still struggling to gather his thoughts. This has been, clearly, a crappy day for the poor boy.

"Come on Hiro!" Whiplash stared at him again... Hiro... He just stared back with a blank expression. "Don't look at me like that..." Whiplash said with a smile. "After all, you love me! Don't you?" Whiplash laughed again.

Hiro's face suddenly swelled in anger. Snapping back to reality, he focused his mind and started using the microbots. Out of nowhere, the whole bank started to blacken due to the lack of light. It mostly shocked the ignorant team of Badgal who were still wondering what was happening to the sun, but BH6? They all knew that Hiro was well and that they should get ready for the real thing.

"Enough!" Hiro yelled at the top of his lungs still struggling with Whiplash foot and her strength.

"What? Are you going to tell her?" Whiplash said half smiling/frowning.

"... sigh... Yes I will..." Surprisingly enough, Hiro was left free from Whiplash grip. Struggling, the young boy rose from the floor and stared back at Gogo.

"Gogo Tomago..." Hiro's voice was pained which caught the full attention of the girl with yellow armor standing in front of him. "This whole time..." Hiro rose his head to stare at the girl while Gogo just looked at Hiro fighting back the tears. "You were not enough... You were not better..." Hiro was clearly struggling to continue.

"Hiro..." Gogo's voice trembled, shocking everybody.

"Yes! Tell her my love..." Whiplash smiled.

"You were not the girl for me... because, since the beginning..." Hiro turned around to look at Whiplash with a smile. "... Since the beginning..." Hiro raised his hands and a graceful stream of microbots flowed downwards to where the boy was standing.

"Since the beginning..." Hiro struggled to finish the sentence.

"Hiro p-please!" Gogo's voice was shaky... She couldn't hear those words, not this way and not from the boys mouth. Hiro half turned his head to look at Gogo and smiled shocking the speed junkie.

"Since the beginning... you were perfect FOR ME!" Hiro yelled the last part of that sentence. With a swift movement of his hands, Hiro made a large boulder for each of Badgal's thugs including the black girl and sent all of them into the air with a perfect blown strike.

"Big Hero 6..." Hiro turned around. "Time to save the day!" Hiro rushed forward causing the rest of the team to follow his lead.

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