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The sound of a cell phone echoed through the entire house. The house was mostly dark because the curtains were closed except for a room, where a person was still sleeping soundly.


A black hand got extended towards the small table that was beside the bed and took a pair of glasses. The dark room only permitted the glare of the phone to be seen through its veil. The figure that was sleeping soundly sat on the bed and glared at the phone on the table. The two hands reached for the eyes and rubbed them to try and fight the grogginess. The figure took the phone and glanced at the number that was patching through the screen.


The figure recognized the phone number too well. It never meant good things but if the person didn't pick the call it would mean death.

"Good morning?"


"You do realize what time is it...."

No... and I don't care! I have a task for you.

With a grunt, the figure got up from the bed and walked to a table that was previously placed in the middle of the room.

"What do you want me to do?" The figure knew that the question was obvious but the powers that were embodied by the person had several applications.


Suddenly a picture patched through the screen placed on the wall opposite the bed. It was the picture of a girl with red hair, white tanned skin and light pink lips. The person only frowned at the picture, and started to sort through the files sent by the person on the other side of the line.

I need her back alive because I'm not done yet with that boy. Unfortunately Corruptor never achieved his goal and I know you won't fail me.

The person gulped and started shaking. Failure to this man meant certain death but the pay was good. The figure sighed heavily and raised the phone again.


Great... Expect the deposit later today. Remember, I want that girl alive... Do not show HER until the time is right. I will let you know when...

The person hung up the phone while the figure started working. Her...? The person walked to a wooden furniture that had the same height of the room. With the help of a ladder, it reached for a flask of glass that had a name written in a weird language. Her...? Now the figure knew what the voice was talking about. The figure walked back to the round table at the center of the room and emptied the flask on the surface. The eyes of the person glowed white and a weird orange glow erupted from the hands. The dust previously poured on the table also glowed orange.

The room suddenly got darker letting only the light from the ritual burst through the entire room. Suddenly, from the liquid, an orange orb appeared with what looked like flames over it. The figure only smiled and left the orb hovering over the table. Then the figure showed the picture of the red haired girl and, like a living being, it shot out of the room through the window and headed towards its target.

"Big Hero 6 will not know what hit them..."


The purple streaked girl was sleeping soundly, enjoying every second that made early Sunday amazing. Unfortunately that feeling would not last long.


Gogo woke up by the sound of her phone but she refused to pick up the call.


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