Looking For Corruptor

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The city was now embraced on the dark of night. People was starting to file into their houses, lights were being turned off. The turbines on the sky were the only things still working tirelessly to provide energy to the city. Even though most of the city was entirely dark, only the streets and a huge square were light up by the lamp posts, but from that square, several lights could be seen flashing endlessly.

The park was turned into a battle field. Figures could be seen running through the forest. Rain was pouring, and the thunder flashes gave little glimpses to the two sides. Swift movements here and there, explosions of different colors, the mini forest was filled with different kinds of color foams. The dark figures were always on the move but one of them was faster than the others. The tight space created by the trees restricted most of the movement and created more obstacles, making difficult to get a clear shot. Suddenly everybody stopped, the few flashes from the thunder were helping but one figure was missing.


"Where is she?" Fred asked through the communicator panting, exhausted, even though his suite was made to avoid an intrusion of any kind of substance, the rain was making difficult for air to get in.

"I... I don't..." Wasabi bent down trying to catch his breath. "I don't know man! I never thought that Gogo was capable of doing all of those acrobat things." Wasabi was covered in mud and his clothes were soaked in water.

"We have to find her and fast! We already know that her main target is Hiro. IF we don't stop her..."


HL was interrupted by a figure that fell from a tree. The punch was directed to the already weakened side of the helmet. The figure took advantage of the hit proportioned earlier when she was on Baymax back.

"Honey Lemon NOOO!" Wasabi yelled but he was caught by the same figure. A kick on his belly and then a punch on the face rendered him unconscious too. The hits were too precise and well thought. Now it came to mind that probably she was up in the trees watching them and calculating the best strike.

Fred was now alone, his teammates were on the ground, still breathing though. He was turning in circles trying to spot his possessed friend but he needed more space. The trees were placed too tight against each other and his suit was making movement difficult. Soon he started running to the place he came from. Panting and desperately searching an open space so he could fight properly.

He was following a rocky path, he could hear behind him a shuffling sound, the figure was following him. In the distance, like the light at the end of the tunnel, the path ended and it lead to the exact same place everything began. To his left laid the lifeless body of the red haired girl, now completely washed from the blood because of the rain, and to his right was Hiro crying above what once was a robot. Fred could see several pieces of the robot all over the rocky street.

"Hiro...?" He was distracted; the blurry figure caught up to him and landed on his back. Fred was slammed hard into the street. He was not unconscious but he was barely disoriented. He made no movement trying to make the figure above him believe that he was also knocked out. Soon he sensed the weight lifting up from his back but he was pinned, if he dared to move, a gruesome hit was assured.

He then saw the figure start moving towards the crying boy. Gogo was furious, the red eyes gave her away, but Hiro also had red eyes. Why the power of corruptor was affecting them differently? Hiro could make plans and for some reason also knowledge his friends, but Gogo was completely lost, driven by rage. She placed a foot in front of the other and then she bent her arm backwards trying to gain momentum so she could hit the boy and render him unconscious.

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