I need Help

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1 Day...

She woke up from bed with an I Love You mark printed on her cheek. She got up from bed, went towards her bathroom and got shocked. Bags were under her eyes showing lack of sleep, her eyes were red and puffy for crying. She traced with her right hand her cheek with the printed I love you and let out a faint smile. She still had the golden necklace on her left hand. Not thinking it twice, she placed the golden I love you around her neck. She caressed the purple heart and tear up a little.

I love you Hiro...

2 Days...

It was a beautiful Sunday morning, the sky was clear and the sun was warm. The whole team agreed to meet in Lucky Cat's Café to plan out today's activities. She was riding her bike full speed through the streets. Late improvements to her mag-lev (AN: short for magnetic levitation) bike allowed her to shorten the time from 15min to 5min. It was difficult at the beginning but she got used to the speed, though she started to consider switching back to her old bicycle... Huge speed left so little windows to react, and there have been several moments she almost committed suicide or killed someone due to the great speed. In no time she arrived at the Café but soon, the morning was no longer pleasant.

She was the first to arrive or so she thought. There in the distance, Gogo could see through the glass a red haired girl sitting beside a brown eyed boy. Her heart flinched in pain; she felt weak and started gasping for air. She didn't want to come in, so she sat beside her bicycle and started "checking" it, but the truth is that she couldn't take her eyes away from the couple, and couldn't stop the hiss that came out from her mouth every time the girl placed a hand on Hiro.

5 Days...

Days were going through like venom on her veins. The two of them were getting more distant from each other. They still talked, joked but not as before. It looked like everything went back as it used to be. No more cheesiness, no more stolen glances from each other... in a way; they were friends again but nothing more. Now it was all the way around. Gogo could see that Hiro stared into the red haired girl now that she started her robotics program.


Gogo lifted her head from the computer with a smile.

"Yes Hi..." She stopped; Hiro was addressing Akage, who was the other way around the room. She lowered her head but couldn't avoid eavesdrop the conversation. He tilted her head a little so she could get a better hearing and also spy on them from the corner of her eye.

Hey Hiro! Good morning, how are you?

Great thanks! Hiro was standing under the doorframe that led into Tadashi's office.

Do you need something?

Come! I wanted to show you something.


Hiro motioned Akage to go in while he had a huge smile shinning upon his face.

Do you remember the upgrades we... The door was shut behind Hiro. Now all she could hear were hushed voices with laughs here and there. She wanted to get in the office and talk to him; she wanted to know what they were doing. She was holding the screwdriver so hard, that it left the brand printed in the palm of her hand. She was frustrated but soon, her attention went back to the office. No sound was coming from it, sudden silence was never good but this time was different. Her heart was hurting, all kind of images came bursting to her head, and imagination and jealousy were not helping.

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