A Heart Wrenching Battle

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No Problem

She stood up ready for the incoming fight. Gogo wanted to end the life of that despicable woman. All that rage, she wanted to fight but her mind was fighting her heart. She wanted to kill the girl that stole her love, the girl that now betrayed Hiro's heart, the girl that made a fool of her and kissed the boy who was emotionally weak. Then her rational reason stepped in. She never had Hiro because she said no twice. It was because of her that Hiro ended with Akage. BECAUSE of her Hiro now had his heart broken. The list could go on and every time she thought about every mistake, she sent daggers to her heart.

Gogo kept looking at the now ruined window but nothing came her way. She started to walk closer but trying to keep as much distance as possible. A normal human would not survive such impact but with all things happening today? Brute and his lame look-alike hulk, Gunsmith and his blue armor capable of shooting freezing pellets and Whiplash and her sudden experience in acrobats and guns. The team's world was going to such extent where almost everything could be possible.

"Behind you!" Gogo, scared, turned around to try and block the incoming blow. Unfortunately, she received a metal pole point blank to her head. Lucky she was wearing her new Vibranium helmet.

"So easy!" Whiplash said to the downed hero with a smile.

"You know..." Whiplash got closer to Gogo so she could turn around her on the ground and force the speed junkie to look at her.

"...I thought you were going to be harder to defeat!" Whiplash re adjusted the pole on her hand and got ready to make the final strike, but she took too long. Recovered from the blow, Gogo lifted one of her legs to kick Whiplash on her back.


Gogo's kick landed perfectly on the center of Whiplash back, knocking the air out of her.

"Note to self..." Gogo was on her feet again looking at the struggling girl. "...If you are going to beat the crap out of someone..." Gogo smiled. "...Please, don't bore them with a speech and hurry up!"

"Rraaaaaaaargh" Gogo was about to lounge forward and punch Whiplash, but the girl reacted first. Struggling to catch a breath, Whiplash desperately tried to hit Gogo again square on the head. Gogo ducked while moving her right arm back. Gogo swung her arm towards whiplash and sent a disk towards the arm holding the pole.

"Argh" The pole plummeted to the ground. Not giving up, taking the advantage that Gogo was really close, she sent a kick at Gogo's head.

Reacting perfectly, Gogo was able to block the kick but kept the grip on whiplash ankle. Then, the speed junkie jerked backwards the leg on her hand causing Whiplash to move towards Gogo. With a swift movement, Gogo punched with all her strength whiplash's stomach.

"So easy!" Gogo mocked whiplash tone. With a smirk, she strode towards the so hated girl.

Whiplash bent down, holding her stomach with one arm while struggling for support with the other one. Desperately trying to regain breath and get away from the superior Gogo. The speed junkie knew that if she stalled more, the red haired girl will be able to catch her breath and fight. She was close to the girl, readied a punch to bring down Whiplash to the ground, but took so long.

The red haired girl was already recovered and with orange glowing eyes, she turned around and sent a punch to Gogo's body. Our hero was able to dodge the punch, but Whiplash used her movement to crouch and slide a kick towards Gogo's feet, which slammed her to the ground. Whiplash got up to her feet with a perfect pirouette and looked again to the down Hero, but she took too long.

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